Massive movement of immigrants against Bush policies

The move to the left that we workers are experiencing will be sooner or later reflected in the United States. The revolutions and insurrections we are seeing in Latin America, particularly in Venezuela and Bolivia, […]

A Gust of Fresh Wind from the South

There’s no doubt about it: the simmering discontent accumulating beneath the surface of American society is starting to bubble to the surface. As millions of immigrant workers, their families, and supporters participated in the historic […]

The Soldiers of Solidarity & Lessons from Venezuela

As the important struggle of the rank and file "Soldiers of Solidarity" at Delphi continues, we can learn much from the experiences of working people across Latin America, a continent in the throes of a […]

"Why I Am Joining the WIL"

Long time trade unionist and revolutionary Roland Sheppard explains why he is joining the Workers International League and the International Marxist Tendency.

Defend the Fundacion Federico Engels

The Fundacion Federico Engels is the sole source of Marxist literature in Spain. The decision to exclude it from this year’s Madrid Book Fair is an act of blatant political censorship. Alan Woods is making […]

Inmigrantes sin documentos: “Somos la clase obrera de EEUU”

Spanish translation of Undocumented Immigrants: "We Are the Working Class of America" by John Peterson

"We Are the Working Class of America"
Undocumented Immigrants: “We Are the Working Class of America”

Demonstrations and marches have been taking across the USA, but it wasn’t until Chicago’s 500,000 and Los Angeles’ 1,000,000-plus marches that the mood really took off. Taking their inspiration from these historic and unexpected turnouts, […]

¡Organízate y Lucha!

Un nuevo volante de la Liga Internacional de los Trabajadores para las marchas del 9 y 10 de abril. A new Spanish language flyer from the WIL.  For use at the April 9 and 10 […]

Support the Soldiers of Solidarity

A new flyer from the WIL.  Print these out and spread the word about the SoS' campaign of genuine class-wide solidarity against the attacks faced by us all.

Only the Working Class Can Defeat Bush

A new flyer from the WIL.  For use at the March 17-19 anti-war demos and beyond.

International Working Women's Day – By V.I. Lenin

“The working woman and the peasant woman are oppressed by capital, but over and above that, even in the most democratic of the bourgeois republics, they remain, firstly, deprived of some rights because the law […]

Power to the People!

The recent blackout on the East coast highlights the inability of the capitalist class to provide even the most basic services in the heart of imperialism.