Event: After the 2020 Elections—Suggested Readings

Socialist Revolution is organizing an online Marxist school this weekend November 14 & 15, with a great lineup of speakers who will address some of the key issues facing the working class in this period, and present a socialist way forward. If you haven’t yet registered for the event, you can find more details and sign up at socialistrevolution.org/election2020.

Below we list some recommended articles to prepare for the different session topics. Reading is totally optional and the event is friendly to all audiences, regardless of your background!

Election 2020 and the Fight for Socialist Revolution

Facing Climate Catastrophe: We Need a Planned Economy!

The George Floyd Uprising and the Struggle against Police Terror

¡Ni Una Menos! The Struggle against Femicides in Mexico

How Revolutionary Socialism Can Revive the Labor Movement

Socialism in Our Lifetime! Why We Need a Revolutionary Organization

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