Fighting Fund 2012

In 2011 the class struggle intensified. EvenTime magazine called it the “year of the protestor.” It started with the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. It continued with the magnificent movement of public sector workers in Wisconsin, along with workers and youth throughout Europe: Greece, Britain, Italy and Spain. And all of this was topped off by the Occupy movement here in the USA, which was a sign that even in the citadel of world capitalism, a section of the workers and youth is already moving to challenge this system. Regular readers of our paper and website know that Marxists predicted that these movements would arise as the working class sought to defend its standard of living.

The only way these movements and those others that will arise in the future can be successful is for the working class to have a Marxist leadership. A Marxist leadership studies past and present struggles so the working class can avoid the mistakes of the past and achieve victory. That is why we are building the Workers International League here in the U.S.

The WIL has had a good year as well. Thanks to your support, we have raised more money in donations than ever before in the history of the organization! We have also expanded the number of books and booklets we provide, with many more to come. We were also able to hire our second full-time revolutionary, which is a historic step forward. But in order to continue our growth, we require additional resources.

We therefore appeal to you: our readers/supporters/members/sympathizers.The WIL has no rich backers. We are building this organization as all unions and socialist groups in history have been built: through the sacrifices of the workers and youth. Please consider making a contribution to our 10th Anniversary Winter/Spring Appeal. Pledge an amount today! Help us to build stronger and more militant unions. Help us to build support for a mass labor party.

This appeal ends on April 30, 2012. That leaves a good amount of time to pay up your pledge. Maybe you can send some holiday gift money? Can you give some or all of your tax refund? Any and every sacrifice is very much appreciated. Given the hard economic times, we know that even modest sums can be hard to come by. However with your help, we put an end to sick and decaying American capitalism and bring about a prosperous socialist society worldwide!

Contributions can be sent to:
WIL, PO Box 18302
Minneapolis, MN 55418


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