Fighting Fund Appeal—May/June 2014

The International Marxist Tendency is growing around the world. The Pakistani Marxists just had their Congress in March: a huge meeting taking up the largest meeting hall in Lahore! The Greek Marxists now have a biweekly newspaper distributed through kiosks in every part of Greece, and the British and Italian Marxists plan to launch biweekly papers next year. And what about the US?

NEWWILLOGO1SmallerThe IMT has been growing here as well, with new members and a growing layer of people looking for Marxist ideas. Thanks to your support, we have raised $5,000 toward our goal of $21,000 for the 2014 Fighting Fund. But given the continued crisis of capitalism, we need Marxist ideas more than ever!

It was recently reported that more than 50% of renters pay more than a third of their income to the landlord. Yet, wages are stagnant at best. Transport workers in NYC are being offered a contract with increases lower than the inflation rate along with other givebacks. At the end of 2007, 71.6% of people aged 15 to 64 in the USA had a job. Now, after five years of recovery, only 67.8% of people in this age group have a job—not to mention how much these jobs pay or how many hours they are allowed to work—usually too few to pay the bills or too many to stay healthy and sane! Only Marxism explains why these conditions continue to exist and how things can be dramatically different.

The working class has the power to stop production and transform crisis-ridden capitalism with socialism. Unfortunately, the leaders of the working class believe that capitalism is the only system that can exist. They therefore have nothing to offer the working class but more of the same. The working class needs a new leadership based on socialist policies.

Our bold ideas are cutting through the despair and resignation that rules over society today. We are not dejected in the least—we have the utmost confidence in the working class and in our ideas. Some of our members in California have been engaged in a campaign to raise money for airline tickets to come to the WIL Congress to be held in Pittsburgh, PA this May. Their enthusiastic explanation of the perspectives for the class struggle and the need to build the forces of Marxism led a supporter to give $1,000 from his tax refund!

We need more $1,000 donations—but also donations of $500, $100, $20, $10, and $5—it all adds up. $5 from a low-paid worker is as important a donation as $1,000 from a higher-paid worker. Many of us receive tax refunds this time of year. For many, this comes as a windfall. Using this money to help build a better society is a worthy investment for the future—can you donate some or all of yours?

We also have an internationalist duty. Money raised in the US can help the IMT build in the rest of the world: from Pakistan to Bolivia to Nigeria to Indonesia and beyond. Help us make history. Forward to our goal of $21,000. Forward to building the IMT! Forward to Socialism!

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Then apply to join your party!