[Booklet] What Is Bolshevism?

Today, the need to overthrow capitalism no longer seems so abstract. Now the question is one of concrete strategy: what needs to be in place for a revolutionary mass movement to succeed in overthrowing capitalism?

Introduction to “The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective” by Alan Woods

We publish an excerpt from the introduction to Alan Woods’s latest book, explaining why revolutionary Marxists should study the history of philosophy, and the enormous debt that Marxism owes to earlier thinkers.

The Rise of the Comintern and the Role of Leon Trotsky

We publish the introduction to our new edition of “The First Five Years of the Communist International,” which outlines some of the key debates and decisions taken in the first four congresses of the Communist International.

First 5 Years of the Communist International Book
Review of “The First Five Years of the Communist International”: a Revolutionary Treasure Trove

A review of “The First Five Years of the Communist International,” consisting of Trotsky’s writings and speeches on building the Third International. The book is rich with lessons for the workers’ struggle today.

Lenin Poster Electrification
Radio, Science, Technique, and Society

In this speech, delivered at the First All-Union Congress of the Society of Friends of Radio, Trotsky again emphasizes the importance of studying dialectical materialism.

Trotsky Mendeleev and Marxism
Dialectical Materialism and Science

Trotsky delivered the following speech to the Mendeleev Congress in his capacity as chairman of the technical and scientific board of industry of the Soviet Union.

In Defence of Marxism book cover Wellred Books
In Defense of Marxism (Excerpts)

In Defense of Marxism, a collection of articles and letters written by Trotsky during a factional struggle in the US SWP, is a true treasure for revolutionary socialists.

Marx and Engels's The Holy Family book cover
England and Materialist Philosophy

This text provides a compact overview of the development of materialism, comparing its British and French variants, and connecting this with the rise of utopian socialism.

Karl Marx grave in London
The German Ideology (Excerpts)

Historical materialism first saw the light of day in this work as dialectics and materialism are applied to the development of human society.

Trotsky in 1938
Trotsky’s Notebooks: Excerpts on Lenin, Dialectics, and Evolutionism

Trotsky’s notebooks on philosophy provide a wealth of insight into dialectical materialism, positivism, Freud and psychoanalysis, and more.

Philosophical Notebooks (Excerpts)

We produce here three excerpts from Volume 38 of Lenin’s Collected Works, which are a brilliant summation of the essence of Hegelian dialectics.

Dialectics of Nature Manuscript
Dialectics of Nature (Excerpts)

The partial drafts and fragments that comprise Dialectics of Nature are an invaluable contribution to Marxism—and to science in general.