News & Analysis Labor MovementResources & Education Leaflets[Leaflet] Stop the Attacks on USPS: No to Privatization! Image: Own WorkThe following leaflet was written by IMT members in the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC union). Download the two-sided leaflet here!After 14 years of Republican and Democratic failure to fix the problems they themselves created after the 2006 Postal Accountability Enforcement Act, newly appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy seeks to destroy the Postal Service altogether. His plan is to slow down mail delivery so that the public loses faith in the 160-year tradition of voting by mail, thereby opening up the USPS to the failed economic model of privatization—all while busting the unions and personally enriching himself. The Great Postal Strike of 1970 shows the way forward out of this mess!How we can tackle the artificial “postal crisis”Fire Louis DeJoy for his willful crimes against this essential public service!Fully fund the USPS and voting-by-mail! Provide free tracking numbers for mail-in ballots and applications on request!Repeal the 2006 Postal Act with its 75-year healthcare pre-funding mandate. The Republicans initially passed this, but when the Democrats held both the White House and Congress in 2009 & 2010, they did not repeal it!Bring back postal banking to serve the “banking deserts” in urban and rural areas that do not have banks.In order to achieve these demands, we call on the leaders of the four postal unions—APWU, NALC, the Mail Handlers and the Rural Carriers—to mobilize the membership to fight and win! Postal workers need to link up with the broader labor movement and struggles such as BLM, to fight together at mass rallies and protests, to be organized with appropriate measures taken due to COVID-19.In 1970, postal workers engaged in a nationwide strike that won important concessions from the government. Mass job action is the way forward! We have the power to suspend the delivery of commercial mail and packages, while ensuring essentials like prescription drugs, Social Security checks, election ballots, and similar items are delivered quickly and efficiently. We call on the labor leaders to stop this sabotage—put the machines back in service and replace the mail boxes.We postal workers should tap into the spirit of 1970!We must have no illusions in the two parties of Wall Street. We call on the labor leaders to run independent candidates and build a mass workers’ party—even if they cannot run candidates until 2021.Help us fight for real change!Do you agree with these demands? The present crisis of the Postal Service is part of the general instability that we see all around us. In fact, postal workers in other countries are facing similar attacks. This is part and parcel of the decline of capitalism. We are union members who support the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) and we believe a better society—socialism and workers’ democracy—is possible.We need our union leaders to change their policies in order for us to win our struggle. We know that only a workers’ government with socialist policies will bring about a world with jobs for all with union wages and benefits, universal health care and education, and quality, affordable housing.Contact us for more information!Share This September 4, 2020