Resources & EducationMarxism and WarThe Disarmament Slogan – LeninMarxism and War: Study Guide With Links to Further Reading – Phil MitchinsonThe Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution – Lenin This work of Lenin’s is an important read. It clarifies the important differences between revolutionary wars and reactionary, predatory wars, stressing that Marxists are not opposed to all war. The vital question is the following: “in whose class interests is any given war being waged?” Lenin notes that every oppressor class in history has been armed against the oppressed, and that it would not be possible to use strictly peaceful means to overthrow an oppressor class. He also elaborates on fighting opportunism in every field of proletarian politics.The “Peace Program” – LeninLenin on Imperialism – Leon TrotskyWar and Revolution – Lenin Bourgeois Pacifism and Socialist Pacifism – Lenin Pacifism As The Servant of Imperialism – Leon TrotskyBritish Pacifism and the British Dislike of Theory – LeninReply of WIL to the RSL criticism of “Preparing for Power” – Ted Grant Share This June 21, 2006