National Assembly Anti-War Conference

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Over the weekend of June 28 and 29, close to 400 activists from the U.S. antiwar movement met to convene the National Assembly, with the aim of putting unity, political independence and mass mobilizations at  the forefront of the movement.

Many components of the movement were present: from labor to students; from representatives of local coalitions to those representing only themselves. Additionally the leaders of many of the larger national coalitions spoke. The aim of the Assembly was to produce an action program – offering dates and actions to the movement – with a focus on massive united national action in the spring of 2009. No concrete date has yet been set, but the National Assembly will continue to work for the broadest possible unity for such an action while supporting the many anti-war events that will take place in the coming months.

Members of the WIL helped build for and participated in the National Assembly. To get involved in building a massive, united anti-war movement, please contact us: wil@socialistappeal. You can also visit the National Assembly’s website, which will be updated with the full text of the action program adopted at the June 28th and 29th meeting:

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