Support Pittsburgh Teachers!

Teachers in Pittsburgh are under attack. The city’s public school district has so far refused to meet their demands in round after round of contract negotiations. Since June 30 teachers in the Pittsburgh Public School […]

Amtrak Workers: a Looming Strike, Railway Workers Unite!

Organized labor in the U.S. is fast approaching a crossroads. The enormous successes of the past are under attack, putting the unions in a defensive position. Battling not only the companies but their own bureaucracy, […]

Ford Logo
Ford: Global Company, Global Struggle

While Ford workers in North America prepare to weather a new round of plant closings and layoffs, their bosses in Detroit have unveiled plans for new plants in China, a country with the world’s fastest […]

Construction Workers
Why Workers Need a Labor Party

It is frustrating that the American working class has no party that represents their interests.  The vast majority of the 300 million people in this country are workers and their families.  They are people who […]

More Reality Strikes Hollywood!

The Writers Guild of America strike continues in the US, winning an important victory with the cancellation of the Golden Globe awards show through union solidarity. The strike shows that it is not only industrial […]

New York City Workers Need to Mobilize Against Bloomberg's Attacks

Recently, the New York City Housing Authority has been threatening to fire workers due to cuts in its funding from the Federal government.  As a first step, 21 managers were laid off.  Now, with the […]

Rank and File Resistance Haunts Auto Barons and UAW Bureaucrats

The new contract at Chrysler was met with massive defiance and resistance by thousands of UAW members. Both the corporate barons of Cerberus and UAW officials at Solidarity House were haunted by the courage and […]

Reality strikes Hollywood!

Production at the American dream factory has slowed down as workers organised in the Writers Guild of America just completed their third week on strike. 4,000 marched in support of the strike down the famous […]

The Oregon AFL-CIO Makes Ready for "Aggressive Labor 2008"

The 50th convention of the Oregon AFL-CIO gathered October 8-10 in Seaside, Oregon to set the agenda for 2008-09. Every two years, delegates from state locals gather to discuss issues that face working people. Speakers […]

The UAW Under Attack: Organize & Fight Back

On September 26th, after the first national strike by U.S. auto workers in 37 years, General Motors along with United Auto Workers union President Ron Gettlefinger, announced agreement on a “landmark” contract proposal. A similar […]

No to VEBA! Defend UAW Health Care!

As contract talks between the UAW and Chrysler/Cerberus continue in Detroit, the Big Three Auto bosses are preparing the ground for renewed attacks on the health care front. Citing “legacy costs” and declining profitability, they […]

UPS strike 1997
Lessons of the 1997 Teamster Strike at UPS (Part 2)

In 1997, Ron Carey led the Teamsters union to a smashing victory against UPS. This second article focuses on the strike itself, bringing to light the rich lessons that can be learned for today’s struggles.