Register Now for NYC Marxist University!

Join NYC Socialist Revolution for an online discussion series on the capitalist crisis and the revolutionary way forward. Register here!

New York Marxist University is a series of discussions hosted by the NYC branch of Socialist Revolution in conjunction with socialist clubs around the city—starting this Sunday, September 27 at 6:30PM ET. Frustration and anger against the capitalist system are growing very quickly. But in order to successfully fight back against the constant racist police murders, the COVID-19 pandemic, or the climate crisis—we need to organization on the basis of socialist theory. You do not want to miss these discussions!

The inspiring Black Lives Matter protests have shaken the US establishment, as millions of Americans join the fight against racism and police violence. What is the way forward for the movement? As Malcolm X said: “You can’t have capitalism without racism.” The racist capitalist system can’t be reformed: we need a revolution! More info here.

How should socialists approach elections? What are concrete steps towards a socialist government? Marxists call for a mass socialist party of the working class armed with a socialist program. The workers cannot trust the political representatives of the bosses, we must rely on our own forces in order to lead the socialist transformation of society. More info here.

Why are schools opening during a pandemic? How can we deal with the COVID-19 crisis while also meeting children’s developmental needs? The capitalists and their government have proven that they are not up to the task; it is time for the working class to step in! Marxists call for a workers’ government, with free public education for all under the democratic control of the working class. More info here.

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