An unprecedented number of wildfires have set Europe alight in the past month. The capitalists have created these hellish summers, and they will only become more severe in the years to come.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the international media over the details coming out about the drowning of 700 migrants in the Mediterranean earlier this month—a result of willful, callous neglect of human life.
The 24-hour general strike in Greece represents a striking example of the power of the working class. Now is the time to escalate the struggle.
The immense destruction caused by wildfires in Greece is not solely due to climate change. The reactionary policies and criminal indifference of the Greek ruling class played a key role in this catastrophe.
SYRIZA won the elections Sunday, which Tsipras claims gives him a mandate to continue on the road he had already embarked on this summer, i.e., to apply the conditions dictated by the Troika. He, however, […]
The Communist Tendency participates in Popular Unity and invites all its friends and supporters to do the same. Read the report.
Below we publish a report and analysis, written by the Communist Tendency of SYRIZA, about the meeting of the Central Committee of SYRIZA which was held on Saturday, August 8. Elsewhere we also publish a […]
The representatives of the creditors in their attempt to blackmail the Greek government have rejected the government’s attempts at compromise. The stance of these sharks is totally unacceptable to the working people of Greece and […]
A standoff is taking place between the Greek government and the country’s creditors that could end up with Greece defaulting on its debt, leaving the euro and even the EU itself. This would have very […]
Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek Finance Minister, presents himself as a Marxist—albeit an “erratic” one—and is even described as such in the bourgeois media. We would argue that he is a classic reformist who believes that […]
Despite all the concessions imposed on Greece by the Troika, the February 20 agreement with the Eurogroup has produced very little of any substance and is already starting to unravel. The deep crisis of Greek […]
“You must either conquer and rule or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be the anvil or the hammer.”—Goethe In Greece the old parties and leaders are discredited, hated even. All hopes were placed on […]