In the 1960s, especially in radical student circles, there were many fanciful ideas floating around that “neo-capitalism” had evolved ways of avoiding capitalist crisis. These were the pseudo-Marxist ideas of the so-called Frankfurt School.
Capitalism tends to isolate, atomize and alienate people, who are taught to see themselves only as “individuals.” But this notion, though deeply ingrained, has no basis either in science or in history.
Many on the left have put forward the idea that “the left needs a new narrative.” What is the substance behind this idea? Playing around with words is no substitute for class struggle.
Don’t miss the biggest international Marxist event of the year: the International Marxist University 2022 from July 23 to 26. The theme of the university is the three component parts of Marxism.
We present a reading guide for Engles’ classic work Anti-Düring. The book is an encyclopedic survey of the Marxist conception of philosophy, natural science, and history.
Postmodernism embodies the utter dead end and pessimism of bourgeois philosophy in the era of capitalist society’s senile decay.
With a few days to go before the School starts, there are already over 900 people registered! If you haven’t registered yet, do it now!
We present here a reading guide for Alan Woods’s “The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective,” which can help you digest the many key insights from this unique text.
We present here a reading guide to The Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State, which can help comrades digest the key ideas of this classic Marxist text by Friedrich Engels.
We present here a reading guide to Engels’s “Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy,” which can help comrades digest the key ideas from this classic text by Friedrich Engels.
Join us online on Sunday, September 26 for the book launch of The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective with Alan Woods. This book will be a vital handbook for revolutionaries fighting to overthrow capitalism […]
We publish an excerpt from the introduction to Alan Woods’s latest book, explaining why revolutionary Marxists should study the history of philosophy, and the enormous debt that Marxism owes to earlier thinkers.