On March 2, 1921, sailors in Kronstadt took up arms against the young Soviet government. The tale of the short-lived rebellion has been told and retold with little concern for facts and serious analysis.
The greatest advances for women’s liberation were not achieved through individual struggles against systemic oppression but in collective, revolutionary struggle to fundamentally change society.
In 2024, the International Marxist Tendency will celebrate Lenin’s life, legacy, and works with a series of events and publications, foremost among them a brand new biography, In Defence of Lenin, available now to pre-order!
The Communist International was a declaration of war on the whole capitalist world. Under the control of Stalin and Zinoviev, it transformed into its opposite. 80 years ago this month, Stalin dissolved it.
Why publish a book on women and the Russian Revolution in the year 2023? The answer is that more than 100 years later, we are still far from achieving genuine equality.
This week’s episode of International Marxist Radio welcomes Ylva Vinberg, leading comrade of Revolution, the Swedish section of the International Marxist Tendency, and Fred Weston.
Fifty years ago, the US Supreme Court passed its famous Roe v. Wade ruling, providing abortion rights to women in America. Today, these same rights are being ripped up. The fight to end women’s oppression […]
At the 2022 NYC Marxist School, Alex Grant of Fightback (the Canadian section of the IMT) provided a brief history and background on the USSR and looked at the difference between genuine Bolshevism and Stalinism.
2022 marks the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the USSR. In this podcast episode, John Peterson provides a brief history and background on the USSR, what it was, and what it achieved—and why it […]
Today, the need to overthrow capitalism no longer seems so abstract. Now the question is one of concrete strategy: what needs to be in place for a revolutionary mass movement to succeed in overthrowing capitalism?
The Russian Revolution ushered in a flowering of creative expression in all the arts. Cinema was advanced to new heights by directors who regarded film as a weapon of class struggle.
A reading guide for Alan Woods “Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution” complete with study questions to stimulate discussion in reading groups.