
Dialectical Materialism

Level 1: Orientation to Elementary Terms and Concepts

Dialectical Materialism – John Pickard

An Introduction to Dialectical Materialism – Alan Woods and Rob Sewell

Introduction to “ABC of Materialist Dialectics” – Rob Sewell

What is Dialectical Materialism? A Study Guide by Rob Sewell

ABC of Materialist Dialectics – Leon Trotsky (included within previous entry, listed seperately for convenience)


Level 2: Reason in Revolt: Marxism and Modern Science

Introduction to the German Edition of “Reason in Revolt” – Alan Woods

Preface to the First Volume of the US Edition of “Reason in Revolt” – Alan Woods

Preface to the Second Volume of the US Edition of “Reason in Revolt” – Alan Woods

Reason in Revolt – Ted Grant and Alan Woods


Level 3: Engels’ Applications of Dialectical Materialism to the Question of Evolution

The Origins of Our Species – Rob Sewell

Engels and Human Development – John Pickard

The Part Played by Labor in the Transition From Ape to Man – Frederick Engels


Level 4: Recent Developments in the Sciences

A Tribute to a Great Scientist: Stephen J. Gould – Fred Weston

What the Human Genome Means for Socialists – Alan Woods

An Alternative to the “Big Bang” – Alan Woods

“The Demonic Ape”: A Critique – Alan Woods


Level 5: Marxists on Science

Radio, Science, Technique, and Society – Leon Trotsky


Level 6: The History of Philosophy

History of Philosophy – Alan Woods


Level 7: Principles and Methods of Dialectical Materialism

Theses on Feuerbach – Karl Marx

Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy – Frederick Engels

Marx’s and Engels’ Letters on Dialectics (different letters vary greatly in relevance)


Level 8: Engels’ Application of Dialectical Materialism to General Science

The Dialectics of Nature – Frederick Engels


Level 9: Moderately Advanced Works of Dialectical Materialism

The German Ideology – Karl Marx

Anti-Dühring, Part One: Philosophy – Frederick Engels

Notes on Paulsen’s “Introduction to Philosophy” – Lenin


Level 10: Highly Advanced Works of Dialectical Materialism

Conspectus of Hegel’s “The Science of Logic” – Lenin

Materialism and Empirio-Criticism – Lenin

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