Ruto Resorts to Deception, Maneuvers, and Provocation in Kenya

Officially, Ruto has killed the Finance Bill, but the regime still intends to deliver a pound of flesh to the IMF and the imperialists.

Kenya: "Welcome to the Gen Z revolution!"
Welcome to Kenya’s Gen Z Revolution!

Big events are rocking Kenya. The government of William Ruto is attempting to shove punitive taxes down the throats of the masses. And his government has reaped an explosion of the youth.

How French Imperialism Was Defeated in Algeria

The Algerian working class is more powerful than ever. Only a socialist revolution can develop the country and rid it of the domination of the generals and the imperialist powers.

South Africa Apartheid
Did Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions Overthrow the Apartheid Regime in South Africa?

Many earnest people in the West look to the BDS campaign as a “practical” way to show solidarity with Palestine. Its activists often point to the example of the Apartheid regime in South Africa.

French Africa
French Imperialism Is Collapsing in West Africa

Niger has become the latest link in a chain of coups that have shaken the Sahel region. All of these coups are directly against the interests of French and western imperialism.

Coup in Niger Reflects Tectonic Shifts in Africa

The detention of Niger’s president, Mohamed Bazoum, on July 26, followed by the announcement of military rule, has provoked an immediate escalation in tensions across the region.

Malema Speech EFF 2023 South Africa
EFF’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations in South Africa: To Fight for Real Radical Change, Break with Capitalism!

On Saturday, July 29 the Economic Freedom Fighters celebrated their 10th anniversary with a mass rally of 100,000 supporters at Johannesburg’s FNB stadium.

Journery UNICEF Ethiopia Horn of Africa, Flickr
Drought in the Horn of Africa: Capitalism’s Hidden Shame

Despite a near media blackout the world is facing one of its greatest humanitarian crises in history in the Horn of Africa, where climate change, civil war, and poverty are creating a mass tragedy.

Sudan: Bloody Clash Erupts within the Counterrevolution

An open clash within the Sudanese counterrevolution has plunged the country into violence, which has already killed around 100 people and wounded hundreds more.

Eskom South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa
Eskom Crisis: How South African Capitalists Plunged the Country into Darkness

South Africa is experiencing one of the worst energy crises in its history. Rolling blackouts have become part of daily life as Eskom, the country’s energy supplier, is battling to keep the lights on.

Nigeria Elections
2023 Nigerian General Election: Statement of the Marxists

The coming period is going to witness prolonged clashes between the ruling class and the masses, and the leadership has to be provided by the working class.

South Africa: Ramaphosa’s Phala Phala Scandal Plunges ANC Deeper into Crisis

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa is embroiled in a scandal involving the theft of huge sums of undisclosed foreign currency from his game farm in the Limpopo province.