Philadelphia May Day 2024

To the workers and youth of Philadelphia:

Philadelphia is a revolutionary city. Our city was the cradle of the Revolution against the British Crown; it was home to America’s first labor union and site of the country’s first general strike; it was a bastion of the abolitionist and civil rights struggles; and it’s been a hotbed of communist organizing since the earliest days of our movement.

The situation that we face today demands that Philadelphia take the lead once again. American imperialism is backing a genocide in Gaza. Climate change rages out of control while the capitalists treat it like a joke. The right to abortion is being extinguished across the country. Homelessness has soared by 12% in the last year alone, even as the stock market reaches record highs. Our schools and public transit crumble while Wall Street rakes in profits hand-over-fist.

We have two right-wing parties owned by the capitalists. Neither candidate in this appalling election offers a single solution for the crushing problems faced by the working class. As Karl Marx wrote, “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.”

The Revolutionary Communists of America are confident that workers and young people in Philadelphia are in no mood to stand idly by as capitalism drags our society backward. That’s why we’re organizing this year’s International Workers’ Day (commonly known as May Day) demonstration at City Hall!

If you’re as furious as we are about what capitalism is doing to us, you need to be there! If you believe in the power of the organized working class, you need to be there! If you’re determined to see a revolution in your lifetime, you need to be there!

  • Down With Genocide Joe! No To Trump!
  • Organize The Unorganized! Build A Fighting Labor Movement!
  • Shut Down US Imperialism!
  • Workers Of The World Unite!
  • Build The Revolutionary Communists Of America!

Join the Revolutionary Communists of America and help us organize the biggest May Day demonstration Philadelphia has seen in decades:

Hourly Schedule

May 1st 2024

4pm - 6pm
6pm - 7:30pm
Main Rally
7:30pm - 9pm


May 01 2024


Event begins at 4pm, Main Rally at 6pm
4:00 pm - 9:00 pm


City Hall
City Hall
Opening Hour
Philadelphia, PA