Protests against coup in Honduras in San Francisco

With a military coup occurring in Honduras to oust president Manuel Zeleya on Sunday, a protest was held on Monday afternoon, June 29, in front of the Honduran consulate in San Francisco.  The protest was organized by the Hands Off Venezuela Campaign of San Francisco, FMLN-SF, ANSWER along with other progressive and Latin America solidarity organizations.  With less than 24 hours notice, we had an attendance of approximately 150 people, many of them Honduran.

The mood of the crowd was of anger against the coup and could be reflected in picket signs like “US stop making deals with Gorillas”.  Protesters picketed in front of the embassy as they chanted slogans against the “Gorilas” (coup plotters).  There was an end rally in which various speakers expressed their solidarity with the Honduran people against the coup an demanded that president Zelaya should be returned to Honduras.

 As a follow-up for this event, a protest against the Honduran coup was held on July 1st in the Mission District, an overwhelmingly Latino neighborhood.  Again many speakers present reaffirmed their solidarity with the Honduran masses and called for the return of Zelaya to power.  At the end there was chanting of slogans including the classic “El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido” (the poeple united will never be defeated), but what is more interesting is that after a while protesters started chanting “Si no hay solucion, habra revolucion”  (if there is no solution, there will be revolution).

See more pictures here.

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