The Democratic Party

One of the most important points in the WIL program is the need for the working class and its unions to break with the capitalist Democratic Party.  The Democratic Party will always defend the interests […]

Program of the International (May 1970)

Much has changed since this document was first produced, and we have continually refined and updated our perspectives and analysis in subsequent books and articles.  However, the historical value of this document, especially those parts […]

A Brief History of the Marxist Tendency

The following text is a very brief outline of the history of our tendency, in answer to questions we have received from different people around the world.

Why All Workers Should Support the Struggle for Immigrants Rights

The latest immigrant rights flyer by the WIL explains why immigrants' issues are working class issues and also explains the need for broad class unity. Print copies and distribute it in your neighborhood, workplace, or […]

Learn More About Marxism

Copy this flyer (preferably on red paper!), print a bunch out and go to your local library or bookstore. In every book by Marxists or about Marxism, Socialism, or Communism, insert a copy. When people […]

Support the Soldiers of Solidarity

A new flyer from the WIL.  Print these out and spread the word about the SoS' campaign of genuine class-wide solidarity against the attacks faced by us all.

Only the Working Class Can Defeat Bush

A new flyer from the WIL.  For use at the March 17-19 anti-war demos and beyond.


Resources and Campaigns: In Defence of Marxism Youth for International Socialism Campaign for a Mass […]