Adan Mejia

Solidarity Appeal: Funds Needed for the Legal Defense of Mexican Activists

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In recent months, there has been a renewed wave of repression against the revolutionary movement in Oaxaca with more than 60 APPO activists arrested on July 16 while participating in a peaceful protest. Four of them remain in prison, suffering interrogations and even torture.

Also, on August 7th, early in the morning, hundreds of police agents broke up a peaceful protest of students and relatives of students at the National Polytechnic University (IPN) demanding access to higher education. The protest had been organized by the Movement of Non-Admitted Students (MENA) and the Committee of Struggle of the Polytechnic Students (CLEP-CEDEP). Eight student activists, all of them members of the MENA and CLEP-CEDEP were arrested and charged with kidnapping, mutiny, carrying of illegal weapons, damage to property and theft. All of these charges are fabricated.

Thanks to a national and international campaign of protests and mobilizations, all of the students were released on bail on August 16, but still face heavy fines. We are calling for donations to go towards the legal defense of these Mexican students and workers. You can send your donations to:


PO Box 18302

Minneapolis, MN 55418

Or, on the web at:

Donate to the fund!

Download and print this leaflet for use in fundraising activities

We are, also, calling for the release of those still imprisoned in Oaxaca. You can send letters of protest to:

Felipe Calderón Hinojosa,
Illegitimate President of México,
[email protected]This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Fax: (55) 52772376
Tel: (55) 27891100

Francisco Ramírez Acuña
Secretario de gobernación
[email protected]
Fax: (55) 5093 3414
Tel: (55) 5093 3400

Ulises Ruiz Ortiz
Gobernador de Oaxaca
[email protected]
Fax: (951) 5020530,
Tel.: (951) 502 05 30; 502 05 31;
502 05 32; 502 05 33; 502 05 34

Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel: (55) 56310040
Fax: (55) 56818490

(send all copies of messages to [email protected]  and [email protected])


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