Haiti: Prime Minister Henry Resigns as Regime Collapses

A gang-led coup in Haiti has led to the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. US imperialism is scrambling to regain control of the situation, but the Haitian state is in utter disarray.

No to Imperialist Intervention in Haiti!

The imperialists have plunged Haiti into a misery without parallel in the Americas. Now, Canada, the United States, and the UN are openly discussing a new intervention in Haiti.

The Border Nightmare Faced by Haitian Immigrants

Shocking images of the US Border Patrol whipping fleeing Haitian migrants have evoked the imagery of colonialism and slavery, and provoked the indignation around the world.

The Assassination of Moïse and the Role of Imperialism in Haiti

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in early July. Many of the details surrounding his assassination are still shrouded in mystery. Who organized the assassination and why?

Haiti President Jovenel Moïse Assassinated

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated early this morning at his home by unidentified gunmen.

Haiti: The Fight against Dictatorship and the Revolutionary Struggle for Democracy

The despotic President of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse, is refusing to step down. The Haitian masses must break with the rotten bourgeois regime altogether, and establish a revolutionary constituent assembly.

Socialism or Barbarism: Where is Haiti Going?

The following article explains the situation in Haiti, where President Jovenel Moïse is hurtling towards naked dictatorship. Workers and youth must organize to overthrow this rotten system.

Haiti on the Brink of Insurrection

Facing severe fuel and food shortages, and a totally inept and corrupt government, the masses have again taken to the streets to fight for a way out of the economic and social crisis.

Haiti: Imperialist Aggression Against Bolivarian Revolution Sparks Mass Movement

Mass protests and a general strike against growing poverty and corruption have shut down Haiti for the past two weeks.