The RCA Is Here for the Complete Overthrow of Capitalism

Only a workers’ government can resolve the endless crises that plague us in the 21st century. Our generation will bring it to power.

The Revolutionary Communists of America are a product of this new period of history. We are the emerging generation of fighters born out of the decline of 21st century American capitalism.

If you consider yourself communist, you’re part of this generation. Even if you’re not sure you would describe yourself as a communist today, there’s a good chance you will soon, because the crisis of capitalism is pushing millions of people in our direction.

If you’re increasingly concerned with the state of the world and feel the urgent need to take action—instead of just watching a demoralizing news feed on a screen—what you are feeling is the force of history.

We feel it too. And it’s pushing thousands of us to our feet.

We don’t accept the capitalist system, and we’re prepared to do whatever it takes to overthrow it. We reject the idea that revolutionary politics is an outdated relic of the last century. We’re not interested in reformist tinkering with the system through the Democratic Party. We’re committed to carrying out a proletarian revolution in our lifetime.

Bernie Sanders, October 2016
The meekness of “liberal” socialism’s attitude toward Joe Biden has only fed into Donald Trump’s cynical ploy to pose as a working-class or even antiestablishment candidate. / Image: Tim Pierce, Wikimedia Commons

A new movement is emerging

Eight years have passed since socialism entered the mainstream. But Bernie’s brand of “Democratic socialism” has completely run its course. Organizations like the Democratic Socialists of America and the criminally misnamed sect,  the “Communist” Party USA, have shown what they have to offer. The new generation of revolutionary communists is not interested in the tired calls to vote for the “lesser evil,” as if the Democrats were any better.

The post-2016 left has failed to adopt even a consistent class-struggle stance, let alone offer the working class a fighting path beyond capitalism.

The meekness of “liberal” socialism’s attitude toward Joe Biden has only fed into Donald Trump’s cynical ploy to pose as a working-class or even antiestablishment candidate.

Only an unflinching class-war policy can cut across Trumpism and harness the healthy elements of discontent felt by millions against the status quo.

The communists are legion

The revolutionary communist generation makes up a vast segment of the population. And our numbers are swelling with every new catastrophe served up by a system in its death throes. Capitalism is a bottomless well of radicalizing events, each one acting as the final straw for yet another layer of the population.

Nothing in life is linear, but this overall process will only intensify until it reaches a breaking point and the country erupts in revolution. Our urgent task is to gather our forces ahead of that breaking point.

The revolutionary communists out there today represent the outline of a potential mass movement prepared to take action, but lacking the power of deliberate organization. / Image: Revolutionary Communists of America

The tens of thousands of revolutionary communists out there today represent the outline of a potential mass movement. They are prepared to take action, but they lack the power that comes from deliberate organization. They’re still atomized. They need to be assembled on the battlefield of the class struggle.

The Revolutionary Communists of America is the party that will gather the communist generation around its banner and prepare the working class to come to power.

We will be the class-war backbone that the labor movement needs to fight back and win. We won’t stop fighting until every billionaire is expropriated, and every Fortune 500 company is under the control of the working class. We won’t stop until capitalism is buried once and for all.

This is your party, help build it

If you’re ready to take your place in the fight, then start making plans to attend the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communists of America in Philadelphia, PA the weekend of July 27–28.

The American ruling class has never had more to lose. Our generation will make sure they lose it. We have a better world to win.

Are you a communist?
Then apply to join your party!