More Unions Adopt Resolutions Supporting Immigrant Rights

AFSCME Local 3299 Resolution on Immigrant Rights

Whereas, AFSCME Local 3299 recognizes that immigrants’ rights are also workers’ rights.
Be It Resolved, that AFSCME Local 3299 condemns  the passage of a guest worker bill; and

Be It Further Resolved, that AFSCME Local 3299 condemns the passage of any bill that criminalizes immigrants, documented or not documented, and the individuals or organizations that aid them; and

Be It Further Resolved, that AFSCME Local 3299 supports amnesty for immigrants currently in the U.S.;

Be It Further Resolved, that AFSCME Local 3299 condemns the further militarization of the Mexican-United States border; and

Be It Finally Resolved, that AFSCME Local 3299 encourages our members to support immigrant rights activities.


S.F. Labor Council Resolution on Immigrant Rights

[Note: The following resolution was adopted unanimously by the Executive Committee of the San Francisco Labor Council at its Monday, April 3, 2006 meeting. The resolution was submitted by Executive Committee member Alan Benjamin of OPEIU Local 3.]

Whereas, on March 25 well over one million undocumented workers, legal residents and their supporters took to the streets in Los Angeles in support of the call for amnesty, full legalization and equal rights for undocumented immigrants;

Whereas, on February 16, 2000, the AFL-CIO Executive Council adopted a historic resolution in support of amnesty for immigrant workers and opposition to employer sanctions;

Whereas, the national labor leadership is urging all its affiliates to support the April 10 National Day of Action for Immigrant Rights;

Whereas, a demonstration demanding a “General Amnesty for All Undocumented Immigrants” will be held Monday, April 10 at 5 p.m. in San Francisco, with a march from the 16th Street and Mission to 24th Street and Mission; and

Whereas, the March 25 Coalition, which organized the mass protest of more than one million people in Los Angeles is calling for May 1st demonstrations across the country in support of amnesty, full legalization and equal rights for undocumented immigrants;

Be It Resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council supports the call to mobilize in support of amnesty, full legalization and equal rights for undocumented immigrants and urge its affiliates to participate.

Be It Finally Resolved, that the San Francisco Labor Council supports the call for the May 1st Day of Protest in support of these same demands and will call on its affiliates to participate.


Teamsters Local 952, Orange County, Calif., Sample Resolution on Immigrant Worker Rights


Whereas, HR 4437 and the Specter Bill will undoubtedly lead to the further exploitation of workers, and will undermine standards for all workers in this country and create division in workplaces and in our communities.

Whereas, such legislation also does nothing to remove the economic incentives that unscrupulous employers have to hire and exploit immigrant workers, and fails to really address the fact that we have 11 million undocumented workers in this country contributing to our communities.

Whereas, HR 4437 and the Specter Bill criminalize millions of immigrants, subjecting them to immediate detention and deportation, which will only overwhelm our legal system and local law enforcement authorities.

Whereas, there are additional legislative proposals that would include an expansive guest worker program which would fail to protect U.S. workers and to address abuses of workers.

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the (insert organization name) oppose HR 4437, the Specter Bill or any other irresponsible enforcement only proposals that may pass Congress.

And, Be It Resolved, that (insert organization name) opposes any form of Employer Sanctions because they have historically resulted in “employee sanctions” in the form of firings of workers for union organizing and discrimination practices on the job.

And, Be It Resolved, that (insert organization name) supports a path to citizenship for immigrants living and working in this country.

And, Be It Resolved, that (insert organization name) oppose guest worker legislative proposals because such modern day “bracero programs” create an indentured servitude status for workers.

And, Be It Resolved, that the (insert organization name) support efforts to organize all workers, but particularly immigrants, into trade unions as the best measure to improve their working conditions, wages, benefits, and prospects of economic advancement.

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