The latest in Marxist theory and analysis in podcast and video format, brought to you by Socialist Revolution, the US section of the International Marxist Tendency.

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[Video] Alan Woods on Leon Trotsky’s “Stalin”

Alan explains the background to Trotsky’s masterpiece, which provides an analysis of the degeneration of the Soviet Union from a democratic workers’ state into the Stalinist bureaucratic regime.

Greece Demo
[Audio] Greece—No Surrender!

The workers in Greece are rallying around what they regard as their government in a movement that could escalate in the coming weeks.

Syriza Supporters in 2014
[Video] SYRIZA and State Power—What Is to Be Done?

Fred Weston of the IMT speaks on the situation developing in Greece today. The discussion also covers the wider economic and political situation in Europe.

Alan Woods gives a spech
[VIDEO] 2014—the Crisis of Capitalism and the World Revolution

Speech given by Alan Woods at the IMT World Congress, in which he outlines the crisis of capitalism and the rising tide of revolts around the world.

[Video] Bolshevism: How the Party Was Built

Comrade Steve Iverson gave a talk on how the Bolshevik party was built at the Center for Marxist Education in Cambridge, Massachussets

[Video] Greece on the Brink—the Crisis of Capitalism and the Socialist Solution

We are pleased to present Greece on the Brink, a documentary that follows the course of the Greek crisis from a Marxist perspective.

[Video] Ted Grant's Speech to Militant Rally 1984

Ted Grant’s speech to a massive rally of the Militant Tendency in 1984.

[Audio] The American Revolution

John Peterson, National Secretary of the US Section of the IMT, discusses the American Revolution from a Marxist perspective. 

[VIDEO] The Arab Revolution and Iran

On May 26th, Fred Weston and Arash Azizi presented on the Arab Revolution and Iran at May Day Books in Minneapolis, MN.

[Video] 50 Years of the Cuban Revolution: Lessons for Latin America

Jorge Martin spoke on the Cuban Revolution at the first National Marxist School of the US Section of the IMT

[Video] What is Socialism?

John Peterson, National Secretary of the US Section of the IMT, was interviewed on the subject of “What is Socialism?”.

[Video] FRETECO: Occupied Factories and Workers' Control in Venezuela

Watch this new video, produced by Vive TV in Venezuela, about the occupied factories movement.  Presented in Spanish with English subtitles by U.S. Hands Off Venezuela.  You can purchase a copy of the DVD at […]