China Send Off Li Wenliang
The Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak on the Chinese Regime

The spread of coronavirus throughout China is beginning to have serious political repercussions for the regime, and Xi Jinping is struggling to keep the lid down.

Chinese Masses Caught Between Disease and Dictatorship

The Coronavirus outbreak in China is critical. A general mood of fear has engulfed the country. Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, has been rendered into a virtual ghost town.

Myanmar Aung San Suu Ky
Myanmar: “Saint” Aung San Suu Kyi and Imperialist Hypocrisy

Aung San Suu Kyi’s fall from grace has exposed the cynicism of imperialism, revealing that those canonized as saints are bargaining chips in a struggle of capitalist interests.

India Strike 2020
250 Million Join General Strike in India

On January 8, India came to a grinding halt as more than 250 million joined a general strike across the country, raising demands against the brutal policies of the Modi regime.

Mainichi Shimbun IMT Image
IMT Covered in Japan’s Oldest Newspaper!

On December 1, a feature article about the US section of the International Marxist Tendency made the main headline on the front page of one of Japan’s top daily newspapers, the Mainichi Shimbun.

Hong Kong Protests 2019
Hong Kong Elections: Masses Reject Beijing

Hong Kong’s district council elections concluded with a landslide victory for the anti-Beijing bloc. But what is needed is a clear way forward based on class struggle politics.

Hong Kong protests at the airport
Hong Kong: Either Class Struggle or Defeat

Despite increasing pressure from Beijing and the Carrie Lam government, the movement is entering its second month with growing militancy.

Hong Kong Protests Force Extradition Bill Suspension

In spite of the government issuing public apologies and suspending the bill, a new mass protest erupted on June 16. The movement must go forward!

Release Rawal Asad PYA
Pakistan: Judge Refuses to Hear the Case of Jailed Marxist

Rawal Asad, a Marxist student from Multan, was arrested for his participation in a PTM protest and now faces sedition charges.

US IMT Congress 2018
IMT Statement Regarding US Embassy and the Workers' Struggle in China

On December 11, 2018, the US Embassy in China published a blog post referring to the political work of our comrades in Madison, Wisconsin.

Kim Jong-un shakes hands with Moon Jae-in
North Korea Breaks out of Diplomatic Isolation

Although Trump is attempting to bask in the glow of success, the latest turn demonstrates the relative weakening of US imperialism.

The comrades abducted by the Pakistani state have been released.
All Pakistani Comrades Released: International Solidarity Campaign Victorious!

All the comrades abducted by the Sindh Rangers on the orders of the brutal Pakistani state have been released.