Is it a nuclear-armed stealth drone? A killer robot? Or a cyber attack that steals your savings? The truth is far more terrifying: a balloon from China!
Bongbong’s landslide victory was a result of deep discontent within the masses, which found no class expression due to the lack of a mass workers’ party with a revolutionary socialist program.
As vaccine nationalism and irrational capitalist competition put us at the mercy of a dangerous disease, pharmaceutical giants make a profit.
Many have been speculating on the sudden disappearance of Chinese tycoon and Alibaba CEO Jack Ma. Now he suddenly found his ambitions dashed and businesses investigated. What does this all mean?
A string of bond defaults by top-rated Chinese state-owned companies reveals that the Chinese state is fundamentally unable to avoid the organic crisis of the capitalist system.
Hong Kong’s district council elections concluded with a landslide victory for the anti-Beijing bloc. But what is needed is a clear way forward based on class struggle politics.
Despite increasing pressure from Beijing and the Carrie Lam government, the movement is entering its second month with growing militancy.
In spite of the government issuing public apologies and suspending the bill, a new mass protest erupted on June 16. The movement must go forward!
As for the liberation of imperialist-dominated countries, Mao had nothing but detrimental policies to offer.
Revolutionary Marxists must combat liberalism on the basis of class-independence, scientific socialist theory, and revolutionary internationalism.
The capitalists in the service sector have relied on the tipping system to keep wages abysmally low. But sooner or later the growing discontent will find an outlet.
Corporate cannibalism in the reckless pursuit of profits will lead to increased rents, a drop in real wages, and mass firings for the working class.