The assassination of Bin Laden – Terrorism and state terrorism. Photo: Hamid Mir
The assassination of Bin Laden – Terrorism and state terrorism

    “A middle-aged nonentity, a political failure outstripped by history – by the millions of Arabs demanding freedom and democracy in the Middle East – died in Pakistan yesterday. And then the world went […]

No to imperialist intervention in Libya
No to Imperialist Intervention in the Middle East!

There has been a lot of discussion on the left, and particularly in Latin America, about the events unfolding in Libya. This article explains the position of the IMT, which is one of support for […]

Mubarak has fallen! - Revolution until Victory! Photo: Matthew Cassel
Mubarak has fallen – Revolution until Victory!

The tyrant has fallen! As I write these lines, Hosni Mubarak has resigned. This is a great victory, not just for the people of Egypt, but for the workers of the entire world. After 18 […]

John Peterson
United States Marxist expresses support for the unfolding Egyptian Revolution

While Obama sits bewildered as he watches the Egyptian masses overthrow the hated dictator Mubarak, in the United States there are workers, trade unionists, youth and socialist activists who rejoice at the scenes we have […]

Egypt on the brink of civil war. Photo: 3arabawy
Egypt on the brink of civil war

The revolution in Egypt is reaching a critical point. The old state power is collapsing under the hammer blows of the masses. But revolution is a struggle of living forces. The old regime does not […]

Egypt: the moment of truth

The Great Pyramid of Giza has lasted for 3,800 years. Hosni Mubarak has lasted somewhat less, but he would like to survive for a little longer. The difference between his regime and the Pyramid of […]

New Egyptian Trade Union Federation

Press Release from the Center for Trade Union & Workers’ Services in Cairo via Akram Nadir from Federation of Workers’ Councils and Unions in Iraq, which we publish for the interest of our readers.

Revolution in Egypt – Power is on the street. Photo: Philip Rizk
Revolution in Egypt – Power is on the street

Day five of the revolution and the movement continues to grow in size and intensity. Last night’s curfew was ignored, and today there are more people on the streets than yesterday. A new curfew was […]

Tunisia: reject the government reshuffle, the revolutionary people must take power. Photo: Nasser Nouri
Tunisia: reject the government reshuffle, the revolutionary people must take power

Finally, after a long wait, prime minister Gannouchi announced changes in the government of national unity which was formed in Tunisia after the overthrow of Ben Ali. The masses of workers and youth, for two […]

[Leaflet] Egypt & Tunisia: Revolution Knows No Borders

New leaflet produced by Socialist Appeal for use at events in solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions.  Print copies and distribute widely.  The heroic movement of the Tunisian and Egyptian masses has transformed the […]

The insurrection in Tunisia and the future of the Arab Revolution
The insurrection in Tunisia and the future of the Arab Revolution

The marvellous revolutionary movement of the Tunisian workers and youth is an inspiration and an example to the whole world. For more than one week Tunisia has been living through a revolution of epic dimensions. […]

Hamid Karzai
Elections in Afghanistan: What Now?

On Thursday, August 20, 2009, Afghanistan held its provincial and presidential elections. This is the second presidential election since the occupation of the country began in 2001. While a winner has yet to be declared, […]