US troops in Iraq
Obama’s Middle East Policy: Still Imperialist

US foreign policy is dictated by its role as an imperialist power.  By imperialism, we mean the monopolistic rule of the big banks, which have control over all the other economic sectors of society, and […]

U3 or not U3?

Article from the British Socialist Appeal website about the real rate of unemployment in the United States.

Protests against coup in Honduras in San Francisco

With a military coup occurring in Honduras to oust president Manuel Zeleya on Sunday, a protest was held on Monday afternoon, June 29, in front of the Honduran consulate in San Francisco.

Silent demonstration for the killed demonstrators of the recent days. Photo by Hamed Saber.
Iran: regime steps up terror – a general strike is needed!

Yesterday in a meeting in London, a young Iranian student criticized me for being too hard on Mousavi, who he considered to be the indisputable leader of the opposition and “the bravest man in Iran.” […]

Photo by dhw20500.
Defeat the military coup in Honduras – Mass mobilisation in the streets and general strike!

The coup in Honduras highlights once again that even mild reforms within the capitalist system cannot be tolerated by the local oligarchies in Latin America and their imperialist masters. But Venezuela teaches that if the […]

Iran: how can the movement go forward?
Iran: How Can the Movement Go Forward?

What we are witnessing in Iran is a full-blown popular revolution. However, in order to set its stamp on the movement, the working class must participate in the front line. The movement will stand or […]

Monster demonstration in teheran: the uprising continues. Photo by .faramarz.
Monster demonstration in Tehran: the uprising continues

The stormy street demonstrations in Iran are continuing and gathering strength. Anti-government protesters held another big rally in central Tehran today (Wednesday), which, to judge from photographs we have just received, has dwarfed even the […]

New Leaflet from Socialist Appeal on the Iranian Revolution!

The Iranian masses have recently begun moving in an attempt to transform their conditions and throw off the chains of the fundamentalist regime in what can only be described as the first stages of the […]

Iranian Revolution
The Iranian Revolution: what does it mean and where is it going?

All the objective conditions for revolution as outlined by Lenin have matured in Iran. The events of the past few days mark the beginning of the Iranian revolution, which will unfold over a whole period. […]

“Bossnappings” – Workers React to the Crisis of Capitalism

Luc Rousselet, who works for Minnesota-based 3M, recently told reporters that talks between his company and its employees were a good thing. This, however, was only after he was kept in his office for more […]

Swine flu: No panic, No indifference Calderon is responsible for the health crisis!

Epidemics and natural disasters occur throughout the world and to some extent are unpredictable. Why, however, despite the H1N1 virus spreading to several countries, are people only dying in Mexico? Here are some answers.

Venezuela Expropriates Cargill Plant

As scarcity of food products was a problem for Venezuelans in 2007 and 2008, a situation was created that could undermine the support foro the Bolivarian government.  The Venezuelan government was unable to solve this […]