NYC Marxist School 2019: Socialism or Barbarism

Join us for a weekend of discussions at our annual NYC Marxist School on November 9 and 10!

The event will be held in Midtown Manhattan at 25 West 31st St, New York, 10001.

There are many inspiring lessons to be learned from the movements of the past for revolutionaries looking to organize and transform the world today. We have a great lineup of presentations by local organizers and international speakers on current events, history, and theory.

Last year, we held an excellent school with nearly 90 people in attendance from across 11 different cities and three countries. This year, we expect the event to be even better!

The main theme for the 2019 school will be the German Revolution of 1918–1919. This extraordinary historic event could’ve changed the course of history forever. Instead, the failure of the revolution eventually led to the rise of fascism in the country and the coming of Hitler to power. As Rosa Luxemburg put it: the choice before humanity is socialism or barbarism.

Rob Sewell, organizer for the IMT in Britain and author of Germany 1918–1933: Socialism or Barbarism, will present his book on the first day of the event. On the second day, he will also speak on the current political and social crisis in Britain. From Brexit, to Jeremy Corbyn, and the transformation of the Labour Party, the mood in Britain is ripe for socialism–and Marxist ideas are gaining ground among youth and workers across the country.

We will also have sessions on the revival of socialism and the struggle between reformism and revolution; and what a workers’ government would look like in the US.

Register now using the form below!

Full Schedule:

Saturday, November 9

  • 9am – 12:30pm: Rosa Luxemburg, the German Revolution, and the Rise of Fascism (Socialism or Barbarism Book launch)
  • 12:30 – 1:30pm: Lunch
  • 1:30 – 4:30pm: Socialism in 2019; Reformism or Revolution?
  • 6pm – 11pm: Fundraiser Social at our National Office!

Sunday, November 10

  • 9am – 12pm: Corbyn, Brexit, and the Perspectives for Socialism in Britain
  • 12 – 1pm: Lunch
  • 1 – 4pm: Fighting Climate Change: Why We Need a Workers’ Government
  • 4:15 – 5pm: Closing Remarks

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