We condemn the outrageous decision of the UK High Court to deny Venezuela access to its 31 tonnes of gold deposited at the Bank of England—this is daylight robbery!
In the early hours of Sunday May 3, Venezuelan police and armed forces foiled an attempt by armed men to kidnap Venezuelan officials and spark a military coup.
El imperialismo norteamericano está utilizando la crisis por el coronavirus para intensificar su campaña contra el gobierno venezolano. Todos los obreros, jóvenes, y antiimperialistas debemos oponer estos ataques del gobierno estadounidense.
US imperialism is using the coronavirus crisis to ramp up the campaign to overthrow the Venezuelan government. All US workers, youth, and anti-imperialists must oppose these latest moves by the US government.
The Chicago Tribune published an article red-baiting members of the Chicago Teachers Union for taking a trip to Venezuela.
An international, anti-imperialist solidarity movement needs to be raised across the world against the US-led coup attempt.
The violent plots of the opposition will continue until the revolution is either completed or defeated.
If we are serious about ensuring that the US keep its hands off Venezuela, we must fight for and win the struggle for socialism right here in the belly of the beast.