While 15 Million Homes Sit Empty Half A Million People Live without a Roof

Three bedrooms, two kids, reliable healthcare, and a comfy retirement is an unattainable fairytale for the communist generation. In particular, the average American home mortgage now stands at $796,000.

Divide and Rule: Gentrification of Philly’s Chinatown

The billionaire owners of the Philadelphia 76ers are pushing a new arena which would devour Chinatown. In the face of widespread opposition, the capitalists are leaning on poisonous identity politics to divide the working class.

NYC Mayor Adams’ Migrant Scapegoated Austerity

Democrat Eric Adams has launched a full-frontal austerity assault on the workers of New York City while blaming migrants.

Kensington, Philadelphia: Capitalism Deserves to Perish

Kensington is the opiate capital of the Northeast. As Lenin once said, capitalism is “horror without end,” and there can be no better description of a neighborhood resembling one of Dante’s circles of hell.

In a City of Billionaires and Vacant Homes, Democrats Attack Immigrants

The Democratic mayor of NYC, Eric Adams, has launched a disgusting attack on immigrants. The communists say: an injury to one is an injury to all, no matter the nationality!

Landlord Terror Returns to Philadelphia

Tenants in Philadelphia once again face the prospect of being forced from their homes after a month-long eviction moratorium ended on August 21.

Capitalism Can’t End Homelessness

Although there is more supply than demand, homelessness in the richest country on earth is on the rise. This is the irrational madness of capitalism in a nutshell.

Capitalist Catastrophe: Hurricane Ian Devastates Florida

Hurricane Ian was no mere “natural disaster.” The effects of the storm were exacerbated by a most unnatural force: the capitalist system in terminal decline.

The Reality of Swedish Capitalism

Sweden went from being one of the most equal countries in the world to one with greater wealth inequality than Nigeria, the Philippines, Haiti, and the United States.

Deadly East Coast Fires: Capitalist Housing Kills!

Deadly fires in Philadelphia and New York show how landlords and investors sacrifice human lives on the altar of profit.

The L.A. Mayor’s Race and the Farce of “Progressive” Democrats

A rogue’s gallery of class enemies have announced their intention to run for mayor of Los Angeles in 2022. We need a mass working-class socialist party!

Parasitic Landlords Capitalize on the Housing Crisis

As the cost of housing in the United States rises at the fastest rate in 30 years, a colossal concentration in housing is underway, accelerated by the economic collapse of 2020.