Is Fascism on the Rise?

The chaos of American capitalism—from the 2024 election farce to brutal attacks by Zionist thugs and police on Palestine solidarity encampments—has many wondering whether fascism is on the rise.

Can a Socialist Revolution Happen in the United States?

It is not uncommon to encounter skepticism or even extreme pessimism about the possibility of a socialist revolution in the United States. However, revolutions have exploded in what seemed to be the most unlikely places.

Has the Working Class Disappeared? Fact and Fiction

In this article Fred Weston examines whether the working class is in fact disappearing or has even disappeared as many so called “intellectuals” claim.

Workshop Talks: Socialism Made Easy

This pamphlet by James Connolly has introduced millions of workers to the basic ideas of socialism. We are publishing it so that the working class and youth of today can continue to profit from its […]

What Will Socialism Look Like?

For many, it is clear what we are fighting against, but it can be harder to picture what we are fighting for. In concrete terms, how might a new society work? In what way would our individual […]

On the Need For a Revolutionary Party

A party is not just an organizational form, a name, a banner, or an apparatus. A revolutionary party, for a Marxist, is in the first place program, methods, ideas, and traditions.

Marxist Economics

Frequently asked questions regarding Marxist economics, covering economic doctrine, value, surplus value, and economic determinism.

The Marxist Conception of History

Historical materialist theory is fundamental to the Marxist understanding of why a socialist revolution is not simply desirable, but an historical imperative.

Marxist Philosophy

Dialectical materialism is the philosophical framework which holds the science of Marxism together.

What is Stalinism?

Why is socialism in one country impossible? Why did Russia degenerate into a totalitarian, Stalinist dictatorship, and how does the planned economy work to develop the productive forces without the “check” of the market? What […]

Marxist Theory

Why is it only the working class which can develop a collective, socialist consciousness? What is Trotsky’s Theory of the Permanent Revolution? What are the elements required for workers’ democracy? What do Marxists think about […]

Brief History of Marxist Internationalism

Why must socialism be international? What was the First International What was the Second International? What was the Third International? What was the Left Opposition? What was the Fourth International? What were Trotsky’s perspectives for […]