A Worldwide Epoch of Revolution Is Being Prepared

An era of revolutionary eruptions on a world scale is in preparation. We publish here a slightly edited version of the draft World Perspectives document that will be discussed at the 2021 World Congress of […]

[Video] Dynamite in the Foundations: Alan Woods on the Crisis of World Capitalism

In this video, Alan Woods (editor of marxist.com) provides an overview of the dramatic events unfolding at the start of 2021. The crisis of world capitalism is causing ruptions and class polarization in one country […]

Happy New Year—for Some

At the dawn of 2021, capitalism is in a profound crisis. While a handful of billionaires enrich themselves, the vast majority are trapped between the coronavirus pandemic and poverty. But Marxists remain optimists.

A World on the Brink: Revolution Looming

This document was passed by the leading body of the International Marxist Tendency following a discussion on September 12–13, 2020. It updates our perspectives on the explosive world situation.

Perspectives for World Revolution (2020 Draft)

Despite being prepared far before the present events, the following document outlines all of the underlying contradictions which are now revealing themselves in the coronavirus crisis.

Coronavirus Pandemic Opens a New Stage in World History

The new coronavirus has set in motion a chain reaction, which is upending any semblance of stability in one country after another. All of the contradictions of the capitalist system are coming crashing to the […]

América Latina en revolución: lecciones del octubre rojo

Jorge Martín analiza la oleada del “octubre rojo” que se vivió en América Latina el año pasado, con movimientos insurreccionales en un país tras otro.

Revolution in Latin America: Lessons of the Red October

Jorge Martin looks back on the tremendous “Red October” that swept Latin America last year, with insurrectionary movements in one country after another.

2020: A World on Fire

Under capitalism, profit must come first, always. The lives, health and security of ordinary people can never interfere with the greed of the capitalists for surplus value.

World Revolution

“A phantom is haunting Europe.” With this celebrated phrase, Marx and Engels proclaimed the dawn of a new stage in human history. Now a phantom is haunting, not just Europe, but the whole world.

2019: New Year, New Crisis

As we step into a new year, the world is facing a decisive turning point.

[Video] 2018 World Perspectives: A Year of Capitalist Crisis

In this talk from the 2018 IMT World Congress, Alan Woods (editor of In Defense Of Marxism) discusses the perspectives for world revolution.