Kanye and the Culture War: How Do Marxists Fight Antisemitism?

Recently in LA, a fascist group dropped a banner over a freeway that read: “Kanye is right.” How can we explain the recent rise in antisemitism, and what should the response of Marxists be?

Britain: Corbyn Readmitted but Denied the Whip—What Next?

Jeremy Corbyn is back in the Labour Party, after apologizing for earlier remarks. But no amount of appeasement will satisfy the right wing. This war is far from over.

Britain: Corbyn Suspension—This Means War!

The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn is a declaration of war form the right wing. A full on witch hunt is underway to purge the left and make Labour a reliable party for big business. The […]

Britain: The Shocking History of Tory Party Anti-Semitism

The Labour Party has been fighting against racism and anti-Semitism since its foundation. The Conservative Party, by contrast, has always been riddled with racism and anti-Semitism.

Ilhan Omar and AIPAC: Why We Need Class Politics

The Minnesota congresswoman has been at the center of controversy in the media as part of their usual method of diverting attention from the real issues that affect the working class.

Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack: Capitalism and its Monsters

On Saturday, October 27, the neo-Nazi Robert Bowers unleashed a foul nightmare upon the Shabbat service of a Pittsburgh synagogue, massacring eleven worshippers.