Against the Coup-Plotting Right Wing in Brazil: For Unity, Mobilization, and Class Independence!

The January 8 invasion of the National Congress, the Planalto Palace, and the Supreme Court by Bolsonarista groups must be firmly repudiated and fought by the labor, popular, and student movements. 

Why I Joined: The Superiority of Marxist Philosophy

Although I had always been impressed with the IMT’s theory, and especially its grasp of dialectical materialism, I fell into the trap of thinking activism was more important than theory. But life teaches, as Lenin […]

[Audio] Marxism, Bolshevism, and Mutual Aid

What is the Marxist position on mutual aid? Can it play a role in transforming society? In this roundtable discussion on socialist strategy, Socialist Revolution editors Antonio Balmer, Bryce Gordon, and Tom Trottier take up […]

[Booklet] What Is Bolshevism?

Today, the need to overthrow capitalism no longer seems so abstract. Now the question is one of concrete strategy: what needs to be in place for a revolutionary mass movement to succeed in overthrowing capitalism?

Wynn Bruce’s Death and the Fight Against Climate Change

On April 22, climate activist Wynn Alan Bruce set himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court, in what was likely an act of protest over government inaction on climate change.

France: “Republican Front” or Class Struggle?

Workers and youth must resist the pressure to back the “lesser evil,” and instead maintain a clean, independent banner, and prepare themselves for battle.

Why We Fight for Workers’ Control and Management

Workers’ control is the first step along the road to socialist planning based on the nationalization of the commanding heights of the economy.

French Elections: Resounding Rejection of the Establishment

The first round of the French presidential elections represented a watershed moment, we’ve seen a tremendous rejection of the establishment.

FAQ: Marxism, Bolshevism, and Mutual Aid

This FAQ addresses our position on mutual aid, what role we think it can play in transforming society, and what political tasks should be prioritized by revolutionaries today.

From Chomsky to Marx: Why I Joined the IMT

Libertarian socialism is rooted in petty-bourgeois idealism and has nothing in common with a materialist understanding of the world and the working class.

r/AntiWork and the Need for Revolutionary Organization

The supporters of r/AntiWork seek to abolish wage slavery. Revolutionary theory and organization are needed in order to do so.

2021 Perspectives for Revolutionary Socialism in the US

Driven by the impasse of the capitalist system, an entire generation is rapidly moving in the direction of revolutionary ideas.