Michael Harrington: Theoretician of American Reformism

Michael Harrington’s ideas continue to have wide influence, but his American variant of reformism is a political dead end.

France: “Republican Front” or Class Struggle?

Workers and youth must resist the pressure to back the “lesser evil,” and instead maintain a clean, independent banner, and prepare themselves for battle.

French Elections: Resounding Rejection of the Establishment

The first round of the French presidential elections represented a watershed moment, we’ve seen a tremendous rejection of the establishment.

Building a Mass Socialist Party: Class Independence vs. the “Party Surrogate” Strategy

Every major contradiction in US politics today flows from the fact that the working class has no party of its own. That’s why the DSA debate over the “party question” is here to stay.

Break with the Democrats! A Resolution Presented to Phoenix DSA

We republish a resolution presented in the Phoenix DSA chapter. Written by Marxist members of DSA who support our ideas, it argues for a clean break from the Democrats and for independent class politics.

Election 2020: The Socialist Case Against “Lesser-Evil” Politics

The US is barreling blindly towards an electoral reckoning which, no matter the outcome, will test the limits of the American capitalists’ experiment with bourgeois democracy.

[Video] Why Socialists Shouldn’t Run as Democrats

Tune in for our weekly Saturday livestream at 7PM! K. Khan will join Socialist Revolution editor John Peterson for a balance sheet of the electoral strategy of running as Democrats put forward by Jacobin magazine.

Bernie Sanders and the Lessons of the “Dirty Break”: Why Socialists Shouldn’t Run as Democrats

How did Sanders, who struck terror into the DNC leadership, end up reframing his candidacy as a stratagem to “realign” the Democratic Party?

US Elections: The Tasks of Revolutionaries in 2020

Only by standing firm on the principle of class independence today will revolutionary socialists be able to attract hundreds and then tens of thousands of workers in the future. Editorial for issue 20 of Socialist […]

Ilhan Omar and AIPAC: Why We Need Class Politics

The Minnesota congresswoman has been at the center of controversy in the media as part of their usual method of diverting attention from the real issues that affect the working class.

Election 2020 and the Fight for a Socialist Future

There has never been greater potential for building the forces of revolutionary Marxism, for running independent socialist candidates, and for building a new mass socialist party.

Can the “Progressive Wave” Bring Us Closer to Socialism?

The current wave of electoral campaigns associating themselves with socialism is an indication of the dramatic shift in the consciousness of the US working class.