How the Campus Occupations Could Have Sparked the American Intifada

The Palestine solidarity encampment movement offers some of the most fruitful lessons for a generation of fighters searching for a way to make the intifada more than a slogan for street chants.

Stop the Attack on Rafah! Fight Imperialism on the Home Front!

Taking the fight to the bosses and bourgeois politicians at home is the best way of helping the Palestinian people in their hour of need.

Not a Cent, Not a Bullet for the Israeli War Machine! International Statement on Wave of Gaza Solidarity Student Protests

Across the United States, over 60 universities and colleges have seen students and faculty organizing encampments in a growing movement against the massacre in Gaza. We say: Not a cent, not a bullet for the […]

What Would It Take to Stop the US-Backed Genocide?

Millions have hit the streets to demand an immediate end to Israel’s US-backed war on Gaza. But the massacre continues, with over 30,000 dead and counting. If marches and protests haven’t worked, what will?

Iran Attacks: Netanyahu’s Dangerous Gamble

Following Iran’s attack, Biden is in the tenuous position of pledging firm support for Israel while also trying to prevent a new conflagration from exploding.

Israel Murders Aid Workers in Gaza

The killing of seven aid workers in Gaza was cold-blooded murder—part of a deliberate strategy by the Zionists to starve Gaza by making it impossible for food aid agencies to continue their operations there.

Israeli Communist Living Abroad Stripped of Citizenship for Refusing to Support Gaza Slaughter

After being arrested at a Palestine solidarity protest, a young Israeli communist living abroad was stripped of his Israeli citizenship.

Rafah Onslaught: The Spark That Could Set the Middle East Alight

Netanyahu is taking his war to another level. His actions threaten to destabilize the whole of the Middle East.

The Pentagon Leaks: Utter Humiliation for US Imperialism

A major leak of highly sensitive intelligence lifts the lid on US involvement in the Ukraine War, the role of the Israeli secret services in fomenting mass protests against Netanyahu, and much more.

Israel: Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform Splits Establishment and Provokes Enormous Protests

Netanyahu is determined to force judicial reforms through Israel’s Knesset, enraging the majority of the big capitalists, who have taken the unusual step of backing the mobilization of enormous crowds on the streets.

Palestinian Journalist Murdered by Israel: This Is a War Crime!

The cold-blooded murder of Palestinian reporter Shireen Abu Akleh further exposes the brutality of the Israeli state, and lays bare the repulsive hypocrisy of its imperialist allies.

[Audio] Israel, Palestine, and the Socialist Solution

The oppression of the Palestinian people has dragged on for so long, that many ask: is there any solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict? In our latest podcast episode, Fred Weston presents a Marxist perspective for […]