Jîna Emînî: Murder of Kurdish Woman Provokes Movement in Iran

The brutal killing of Jîna Emînî by the Iranian “Morality Police” ignited a militant mass movement across Kurdistan. The only way forward is a revolutionary mass struggle using working-class methods.

Turkey Attacks Northern Syria: For a Revolutionary Fightback!

Down with the Turkish war of aggression against Rojava! Down with the imperialists, who are all complicit in this atrocity!

Erdogan Pushes Turkey Further into the Syrian Quagmire

The desperate bid by Erdogan to cling to power is threatening to push Turkey and the whole region towards an even deeper crisis.

IMT Statement: Kobane Threatened with Massacre—Fight Imperialism! Defend the Kurds!

The forces of ISIS are closing in on the besieged town of Kobane on the Turkish-Syrian border. Thousands of terrified Kurds have fled to Turkey in a desperate attempt to bring supplies and reinforcements, but […]