Marxism, Money, and Inflation

It is clear that we have entered a new chapter in the crisis of world capitalism, which the strategists of capital themselves are at a loss to explain.

For Revolutionary Optimism! New Issue of IDOM Available Now!

Not one stone upon another will be left of the illusions of the bourgeois and their reformist hangers-on. In one country after another, revolutionary possibilities will open up before us.

International Marxist University: 6,000 Registered with Three Days to Go!

The International Marxist University begins in just three days, with over 6,000 people signed up so far from an incredible 133 countries, all looking for the ideas needed to put an end to this decaying, […]

Ten Days until the International Marxist University Opens Its Doors!

Just over a week from now, on July 23, thousands of people from 127 countries (and rising) will come together to join the International Marxist University.

International Marxist University 2022: 1,800 Registered in 100 countries!

The biggest international gathering of Marxists this year is fast approaching! We are proud to announce that over 1,800 people from an incredible 100 countries have now registered.

International Marxist University 2022: Timetable Finalized, Book Now!

Don’t miss the biggest international Marxist event of the year: the International Marxist University 2022 from July 23 to 26. The theme of the university is the three component parts of Marxism.

After 2021’s Speculative Orgy, Here Comes the Hangover

Markets reacted to central banks pouring $10 trillion dollars in to the economy by engaging in speculation without precedent in capitalism’s history.

Montreal Marxist Winter School—Starting this Saturday!

With a few days to go before the School starts, there are already over 900 people registered! If you haven’t registered yet, do it now!

What Would Karl Marx Think? New Magazine Out Now!

Alan Woods’ editorial on Marxist economics from the Winter 2022 issue of In Defence of Marxism, the theoretical journal of the IMT.

Keynes: Capitalism’s Utopian and Impotent Oracle of Doom

The 2008 crash and coronavirus crisis have revived interest in the theories of liberal English economist Keynes—but his life and ideas show that he was no friend of the working class. We need socialism, not […]

Will There Be a Boom?

The capitalists are eager for the COVID-19 crisis to come to an end, and many anticipate a rapid economic bounceback. But the new normal will be one of crisis, chaos, and class struggle.

Marxism vs Modern Monetary Theory

MMT has created a buzz on the left recently. Instead of trendy new ideas, however, we need the clear scientific analysis of capitalism that Marxism provides.