History has produced a generation of communists in the United States. Now, a new political party has been officially founded to unite them under a common banner: the Revolutionary Communists of America.
With patience and persistence, you can build a communist cell in any workplace where there are young workers watching the state of the world.
Millions of people feel a burning desire to finally do something about the state of the world. This country truly is ripe for a new heyday for communist politics.
The communists are no longer a handful of individuals huddled together in the political wilderness. It’s taken nearly a century, but communism is making a comeback.
On June 10, RCA comrade Milos Minos will appear in court for an unusual crime: discussing wages and working conditions with their own coworkers at the Minneapolis International Airport.
The last great radicalization of American workers gives us an idea of what’s in store for today’s communist movement.
If we are to achieve the full-scale rebirth of Bolshevism on American soil, we must comprehend the full meaning of its founding watchword: “Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.”
History is calling upon our generation to step forward and fight for the overthrow of capitalism. The Revolutionary Communists of America are its organized wing.
The RCA is a party of class fighters committed to the complete overthrow of capitalism. We fight for a world of material superabundance and reject the artificial scarcity of a system based on the pursuit […]
Across the world, communists were on the streets for International Workers’ Day offering a revolutionary alternative to the tepid offering from the “official” reformist leaders.
The starting point for those seeking a communist party worthy of the name is simple: Back to Marx! Back to Lenin!
Communists across America held marches, rallies, meetings, and recruitment stalls on Saturday, April 6 to launch the largest communist recruitment drive since World War II.