Bryce Gordon
24 Articles0 Comments

I Met Another Communist on the Street and 30 Minutes Later, He Was an RCA Member

Millions of people feel a burning desire to finally do something about the state of the world. This country truly is ripe for a new heyday for communist politics.

While Israel Slaughters Gaza, Millions of Americans Are Turning Against US Imperialism

A new generation of communists and left-leaning workers are witnessing the crimes of US imperialism play out in real time. Beneath the surface, dramatic changes in consciousness are developing.

Biden’s Cynical Calculations at the UAW Picket Line

Joe Biden—an enemy of workers the world over, and head of the most reactionary imperialist power on the planet—showed up in Michigan yesterday to “support” striking UAW workers.

SCOTUS Overturns Affirmative Action: Fight for Jobs and Education for All!

The Supreme Court has ruled against the legality of affirmative action admissions practices. But to fight racism and inequality, we must see beyond the confines of capitalism and fight for jobs and education for all.

Capitalism’s Wildfire Haze: A Sign of Things to Come

Millions of people across the eastern United States have suffered from extremely poor air quality over the past several days. This is a palpable reminder of the accelerating climate crisis, as previously unheard of weather […]

Republicans and Democrats in Disarray as the 2022 Midterms Loom: Fight Trumpism, Fight for Socialism!

With the GOP decaying into Trumpism, the traditional dynamics of US bourgeois politics have been entirely upended in the last period. We will soon get a partial snapshot of the political moods in American society […]

Racist Right-Wing Terror in Buffalo and the Decline of American Capitalism

Buffalo, NY saw scenes of horror as a white-supremacist terrorist opened fire at a supermarket, murdering ten people and injuring three more. This is an utter tragedy and an attack on the entire working class.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover: Nationalize Social Media!

Elon Musk’s bid to buy Twitter truly exemplifies capitalism, a system in which a single erratic egoist billionaire, acting on a personal whim, can gain more-or-less unchecked control over the means of communication used by […]

“Learning Loss” and the Crisis of Education

A recent report revealed strikingly regressive trends for children worldwide since 2020. The criminal capitalist mismanagement of the pandemic is to blame.

Liz Cheney Ousted from GOP Leadership: Trumpism Is Alive and Kicking

The ousting of Liz Cheney is an indication of Trumpism’s continued hold over the Republican Party, which threatens the stability of the establishment.

Biden’s Infrastructure Plan and the Decline of American Capitalism

Biden announced his proposal for a $2 trillion infrastructure initiative. It’s important for socialists to draw a balance sheet of this plan and place it in its appropriate context.

The “Fight for $15” in 2021

Marxists support even the smallest reforms and would be in favor of legislation that raised the federal minimum wage to $15. But we must be clear that in 2021, $15 is far from being a […]