Zionist Goons and Cops Unleash Violence! Workers and Students Unite and Fight Back!

A mob of Zionist extremists were allowed to violently assault the Palestine solidarity encampment at UCLA. Police were complicit in the violence.

State Ramps Up Repression Against Stop Cop City Activists

Atlanta DA Fani Willis is charging dozens of Stop Cop City protesters in Atlanta with “domestic terrorism” and other absurd charges.

Landlord Terror Returns to Philadelphia

Tenants in Philadelphia once again face the prospect of being forced from their homes after a month-long eviction moratorium ended on August 21.

Teenager Murdered by Police in France: The Workers’ Movement Must Intervene!

The murder of Nahel M (a 17-year-old French-Algerian) by a police officer in Nanterre on Tuesday morning has sparked a powerful wave of indignation and anger across France.

The Fight Against Atlanta’s Democrat-Backed “Cop City”

The conflict over the South River Forest in Atlanta grabbed national attention this year, after the police killed Tortuguita, an anarchist involved in occupying the forest.

Chicago Elections: You Can’t Reform a Broken System

On February 28, voters in Chicago will go to the polls. Although the working class is the vast majority of the population, we have no party in this election.

The Watts Rebellion of 1965: Lessons for the Fight against Capitalism and Racism

In August 1965, a social volcano erupted in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts. This episode of insurrectionary anger inspired similar uprisings in cities across the nation, with echoes that can still be heard today.

Brutal Police Murder of Tyre Nichols Sparks Outrage in Memphis and Beyond

Protests began in Memphis on Friday, following the release of video showing the brutal police beating of 29-year-old FedEx worker Tyre Nichols. To fight police violence, fight capitalism!

Puerto Rico: Protest against Privatized Electrical Company Met with Police Brutality

On August 25, Old San Juan was engulfed in tear gas as riot police once again brutally suppressed a protest opposite the Governor’s Palace.

Sri Lanka: Protest Ranil’s Repression! Repeal the PTA!

In Sri Lanka, three student activists are being detained without any due process and are at risk of torture for participating in peaceful protests.

Massacre at the Melilla Border: Spanish Government and Bourgeoisie Are Responsible

On June 24 there was an attempt by migrants to jump the Melilla fence and cross into Spain. This resulted in the death of 37 people and many more wounded.

Two Years Since the George Floyd Uprising: Lessons from the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest

Two years ago this month, the murder of George Floyd sparked a nationwide uprising. In Seattle, one way this movement expressed itself was through the creation of the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”