Recollections of a Soviet Citizen: Discovering Trotsky in Paris

The strength of Marxism is the scientific method applied to the development of society. Armed with this method, the working class will overthrow capitalism and replace it with a classless society.

Lessons of the Finnish Revolution of 1917–1918 (Pt. 1)

The Finnish Revolution of 1917–18 is a proud chapter in the history of the international working class, that was tragically drained in blood by the forces of counterrevolution. In this three-part podcast series, John Peterson […]

Britain: Communists, Trade Unions, and the Anglo-Russian Committee

On May 4, 1926 a general strike began in Britain. But after nine inspiring days, the strike was betrayed by the trade union leaders, who were given a left cover by the Stalinists.

[Video] Bolshevism vs. Stalinism | NYC Marxist School 2022

At the 2022 NYC Marxist School, Alex Grant of Fightback (the Canadian section of the IMT) provided a brief history and background on the USSR and looked at the difference between genuine Bolshevism and Stalinism.

[Audio] Bolshevism vs. Stalinism: 100 Years Since the Founding of the USSR

2022 marks the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the USSR. In this podcast episode, John Peterson provides a brief history and background on the USSR, what it was, and what it achieved—and why it […]

[Audio] The Iranian Revolution of 1979: A Revolution Betrayed

In this episode of Socialist Revolution podcast, we aim to provide an objective portrayal of what actually happened in the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which is quite different from the stereotypes shown in the movies […]

For Revolutionary Optimism! New Issue of IDOM Available Now!

Not one stone upon another will be left of the illusions of the bourgeois and their reformist hangers-on. In one country after another, revolutionary possibilities will open up before us.

International Marxist University: 6,000 Registered with Three Days to Go!

The International Marxist University begins in just three days, with over 6,000 people signed up so far from an incredible 133 countries, all looking for the ideas needed to put an end to this decaying, […]

Ten Days until the International Marxist University Opens Its Doors!

Just over a week from now, on July 23, thousands of people from 127 countries (and rising) will come together to join the International Marxist University.

International Marxist University 2022: 3,000 Signed Up and One Month to Go!

With exactly one month to go, 3,000 people from no less than 110 countries have now registered for the International Marxist University. Register now!

International Marxist University 2022: 1,800 Registered in 100 countries!

The biggest international gathering of Marxists this year is fast approaching! We are proud to announce that over 1,800 people from an incredible 100 countries have now registered.

International Marxist University 2022: Timetable Finalized, Book Now!

Don’t miss the biggest international Marxist event of the year: the International Marxist University 2022 from July 23 to 26. The theme of the university is the three component parts of Marxism.