The Communists Are Here!

As the pace of history accelerates, humanity is approaching a decisive crossroads, and we must have a sense of urgency. Fortunately, the communists are not merely coming—we are already here!

Moving Meeting to Celebrate Esteban Volkov at the Trotsky House Museum in Mexico

On Sunday, July 9 an event was held to celebrate the memory of Esteban Volkov, Trotsky’s grandson, under the auspices of the Leon Trotsky House Museum in Mexico City.

The Death of Sieva Volkov, Trotsky’s Grandson: A Tribute to a Great Fighter

Trotsky’s grandson Esteban Volkov (1926–2023) was an important living symbol—the symbol of a whole revolutionary epoch, a heroic period of storm and stress, full of triumphs and tragedies.

Recollections of a Soviet Citizen: Discovering Trotsky in Paris

The strength of Marxism is the scientific method applied to the development of society. Armed with this method, the working class will overthrow capitalism and replace it with a classless society.

Britain: Communists, Trade Unions, and the Anglo-Russian Committee

On May 4, 1926 a general strike began in Britain. But after nine inspiring days, the strike was betrayed by the trade union leaders, who were given a left cover by the Stalinists.

Leon Trotsky: How Revolutionaries Are Formed

You can have revolutionaries both wise and ignorant, intelligent or mediocre. But you can’t have revolutionaries who lack the willingness to smash obstacles, who lack devotion and the spirit of sacrifice.

Bolshevism, the Road to Revolution: A Reading Guide

A reading guide for Alan Woods “Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution” complete with study questions to stimulate discussion in reading groups.

The Class, the Party, and the Leadership: A Reading Guide

We present here a reading guide to the Class, the Party, and the Leadership, which can help comrades digest the key ideas from this classic Marxist text by Leon Trotsky.

The Russian Revolution as Never Seen Before: Eyewitness Account

104 years ago, the Russian working class seized power. To celebrate the anniversary, we are excited to publish this exclusive eye-witness account of revolutionary Russia in 1920.

In Defense of October: A Reading Guide

We present here a reading guide to In Defence Of October, which can help comrades digest the key ideas from this classic Marxist text by Leon Trotsky.

Whither France?

Written in 1934, in these pages Leon Trotsky explains to the advanced workers the fate of the French working class and exploited peasantry, amidst the threat of fascism.

Trotsky’s Advice to Young Marxists: “Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin”

In the following letter, Leon Trotsky provides valuable advice to young comrades in Kiev on their theoretical and political education. Written in 1923, his words are even more relevant today.