Alan Woods
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Introduction to “The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective” by Alan Woods

We publish an excerpt from the introduction to Alan Woods’s latest book, explaining why revolutionary Marxists should study the history of philosophy, and the enormous debt that Marxism owes to earlier thinkers.

In Memory of Hans-Gerd Öfinger (June 1955 – March 2021)

We received the sad news that Hans-Gerd Öfinger, a long-standing member of our international and leading comrade of our German section, has passed away.

In Defense of Materialism—Alan Woods

Alan Woods provides an overview of Lenin’s arguments in “Materialism and Empirico-Criticism,” and mounts a defense of materialism against the obscurantist, postmodernist nonsense on university campuses today.

Scandal at the Palace: British Monarchy Rocked by Revelations in Television Interview

The British monarchy has been dealt a devastating blow after a compromising Oprah Winfrey interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry was aired on March 7.

Happy New Year—for Some

At the dawn of 2021, capitalism is in a profound crisis. While a handful of billionaires enrich themselves, the vast majority are trapped between the coronavirus pandemic and poverty. But Marxists remain optimists.

Lebanon: Beirut Explosion Rocks Corrupt Regime

A massive explosion caused untold destruction and bloodshed in the Lebanese capital yesterday. This tragedy was a disaster waiting to happen, and will provoke the anger of the masses against the corrupt clique at the […]

Marxism and the State

The fundamental essence of every state, with its “armed bodies of men,” police, courts and other trappings is that it serves the interests of the ruling class in society—in the case of capitalism, the capitalist […]

Uprising Shakes the US: Reaping the Whirlwind

Alan Woods comments on the uprising in the US, which was sparked by the police murder of George Floyd and has become the catalyst for an explosion of anger that has sent shockwaves throughout the […]

Spain’s Revolution Against Franco: the Great Betrayal

A revolutionary movement of the working class defeated the Franco regime in Spain—and it could have gone further but for the betrayals of the workers’ leadership.

2020: A World on Fire

Under capitalism, profit must come first, always. The lives, health and security of ordinary people can never interfere with the greed of the capitalists for surplus value.

Britain: The Shocking History of Tory Party Anti-Semitism

The Labour Party has been fighting against racism and anti-Semitism since its foundation. The Conservative Party, by contrast, has always been riddled with racism and anti-Semitism.

World Revolution

“A phantom is haunting Europe.” With this celebrated phrase, Marx and Engels proclaimed the dawn of a new stage in human history. Now a phantom is haunting, not just Europe, but the whole world.