Alan Woods
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[Video] Perspectives for World Revolution—IMT World School 2017

Alan Woods discusses the current turbulence and volatility in the global economic, political, and social situation.

2016: The Death Of Liberalism

The old world order is dead and in its place we are faced with a future of instability and conflict, the outcome of which nobody can predict.

The Meaning of Donald Trump

On Wednesday, November 9, the “free world” woke up to find it had a new leader. Donald J. Trump had been elected the 45th president of the United States of America.

Aleppo, Mosul, and Imperialist Hypocrisy

The saying goes that there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. To this list we must add diplomacy, which is lying raised to the level of an art form.

El debate televisivo entre Trump y Clinton: pan y circo

En la antigua Roma, la clase dominante mantenía su posición en el poder, ofreciendo al pueblo pan y circo. Ayer [26 de septiembre] millones de personas vieron el primer debate de la campaña a las […]

400 Years Since the Death of Shakespeare: A Revolutionary in Literature—Part Four

English has more words than any other European language. This is the result of its peculiar historical evolution.

400 Years Since the Death of Shakespeare: A Revolutionary in Literature—Part Three

The age of Shakespeare was also the age of Machiavelli—the Italian philosopher who first explained that the conquest and maintenance of political power has nothing to do with morality.

The Trump-Clinton TV Debate: Bread and Circuses

Yesterday’s US presidential debate was the modern equivalent of the kind of circus that served as a spectacle to divert the attention of the masses from their miserable conditions of existence.

400 Years Since the Death of Shakespeare: A Revolutionary in Literature—Part Two

The England of Shakespeare, like the Spain of Cervantes, was in the throes of a great social and economic revolution.

400 Years Since the Death of Shakespeare: A Revolutionary in Literature—Part One

Shakespeare transformed English literature, reaching heights that before were unheard of and which have not been reached subsequently.

[Video] Alan Woods on Leon Trotsky’s “Stalin”

Alan explains the background to Trotsky’s masterpiece, which provides an analysis of the degeneration of the Soviet Union from a democratic workers’ state into the Stalinist bureaucratic regime.

42 Years Since the Portuguese Revolution

Today marks the 42nd anniversary of the Portuguese Revolution. On this occasion we recommend the following analysis, written by Alan Woods in 1974.