Alan Woods
172 Articles0 Comments

John Bolton, or “Another One Bites the Dust”

You did read that right. President Donald Trump has sacked his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, telling him his services are “no longer needed.”

Trotsky’s Suppressed Letter: An Introduction by Alan Woods

For those of us who have had the privilege of fighting for the building of a genuine Trotskyist international, the discovery of this missing letter was a very inspiring experience.

2019: New Year, New Crisis

As we step into a new year, the world is facing a decisive turning point.

Marx’s Revolution in Philosophy: Reflections on the Theses on Feuerbach

Alan Woods, editor of In Defense of Marxism, provides a summary of Marx’s contributions to philosophy.

Trump’s Advisers Slander Socialism: A Reply to White House Lies—Part Four

In the final installment of Alan Woods’ reply to the White House’s slanders against socialism, he discusses the terrible financial and human cost of American capitalist imperialism.

Trump’s Advisers Slander Socialism: A Reply to White House Lies—Part Three

In the third part of Alan Woods’s reply to Trump’s advisers’ “critique” of socialism, he addresses their gross mischaracterization of the Nordic economies, Venezuela, and the USSR.

Trump's Advisers Slander Socialism: A Reply to White House Lies—Part Two

In the second part of his reply to the White House’s slanders against socialism, Alan Woods addresses the reality of life for American workers under capitalism.

Introduction to The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism

The role of philosophy in the modern epoch must be that of facilitating the work of the socialist revolution, combating false ideas, and providing a rational explanation of the most important manifestations of our age.

Trump’s Advisers Slander Socialism: A Reply to White House Lies—Part One

Alan Woods, editor of In Defense of Marxism, replies to the White House report on socialism, and investigates why socialist ideas are gaining ground in the US.

Military Strikes on Syria: What Does it Mean?

Despite the talk of peace and humanitarianism, the strikes on Syria reveal the cynical interests of US imperialism in the Middle East.

Syria: The Barbarism of War and Imperialist Hypocrisy

After all the noisy propaganda and maneuvers at the United Nations, the so-called Syrian ceasefire has broken down suddenly. In reality it was an abortion that was dead even before it was born.

170 Years of the Communist Manifesto

On the 170th anniversary of the Manifesto, and 200 years since Marx’s birth, the document is more relevant than ever for new generations of revolutionary socialists.