Mexico: Huge Movement of Polytechnic Students Reveals Deep Malaise of Youth

It is now a month since the beginning of the movement of students at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) in Mexico. This is a huge movement involving tens of thousands of students in dozens of […]

IMT Statement: Kobane Threatened with Massacre—Fight Imperialism! Defend the Kurds!

The forces of ISIS are closing in on the besieged town of Kobane on the Turkish-Syrian border. Thousands of terrified Kurds have fled to Turkey in a desperate attempt to bring supplies and reinforcements, but […]

helicopters Camp Pannonia-isafmedia
Afghanistan: Democracy Under Imperialist Bayonets

The final round of the presidential elections in Afghanistan, and the “deal” between the two “front runners”, on September 21, was so feeble, and the outcome so rotten, that even bourgeois analysts and reporters had […]

Lessons of the Scottish Referendum

The referendum campaign in Scotland is over. Now in the cold light of day it is necessary to draw all the conclusions. The first and most important is that this represents a decisive turning-point in […]

Iraq: Against Imperialism and Fundamentalism

In a press conference on August 28, US president Barack Obama openly admitted that he did not have a strategy yet to combat the jihadist ISIS group in Iraq and Syria. Obama’s confession reveals the impasse […]

Scottish British EU flags-Tom Parnell
Scotland Shakes the Establishment: The Fight for Socialism Continues

The Scottish Referendum produced a seismic shift in the political landscape of Scotland. The campaign shook up the whole of society and touched those who had never even voted before. The turnout was an unprecedented […]

Pakistan Marxists
Pakistan: Irreconcilable Struggle Until Socialist Revolution

This article describes the effects of decades of rule by an inept and corrupt ruling class in Pakistan, and highlights the immense work done by our Pakistani comrades in building the IMT under such difficult conditions.

Scottish Referendum: Why is the Yes Campaign Gaining Ground?

With just 7 days left until the Scottish independence referendum, the past week has seen a big shift in the polls. Up until now most polls were putting the “no” campaign ahead by around a […]

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The Inability of NATO to Prop Up Global Stability

The main outcome of the NATO summit that took place in Newport, Wales on 4–5th September appears to have been the decision to launch a new “spearhead” rapid response task force. This “achievement” is something […]

NATO Hypocrisy Over “Russian Invasion” as Kiev Suffers Defeat

On the eve of the NATO summit in Wales, the Ukraine crisis has seen an escalation in rhetoric. The same people who told us about Saddam’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” are now raising a hue […]

Political Islam in Pakistan

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the capitalist counterrevolution in China, an immense political and ideological vacuum opened up on a world scale. In these conditions there was a resurgence of political Islam […]

Ebola: A Reflection of the Sickness of Capitalism

In the 14th century, the Black Death claimed the lives of an estimated 200 million people. Major cities like Florence, Paris, and London experienced the death of 50% of the population. At its peak, the […]