Massive General Strike in Belgium: Nothing Moved By Air, By Road, or By Water

“This is the strongest strike ever,” commented General Secretary Marie Hélène Ska of the Christian union CSC. She is right. The national work stoppage on Monday, December 15 was without doubt the most “general” of […]

Canada: 100,000 Workers in the Streets of Montreal—A Glimpse of What is to Come

With each passing day, the stage is being set for a big showdown between workers and Quebec’s Liberal government. Since the government announced that they would attack municipal workers’ pensions (which effectively means a wage […]

Mexico: "We Are Determined to Change This Country"

The violent abduction and disappearance of 43 students in the state of Guerrero in September has plunged Mexico into a deep social and political crisis. The case of the Ayotzinapa students has brought the masses […]

Mexico: Anger Over Disappeared Ayotzinapa Students Refuses to Go Away

It is now seven weeks since the police attacked students from the Ayotzinapa teacher training college and then kidnapped 43 of the survivors and handed them over to a drug cartel. The brutal incident in […]

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South Africa: COSATU Right Wing Class Collaborators Expel NUMSA—Time to Fight Back!

In the early hours of Saturday morning, November 8, the Central Executive Committee of South Africa’s largest labor federation, COSATU, voted by a margin of 33 to 24 to expel its biggest affiliate, NUMSA, from […]

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Greece: SYRIZA Must Mobilize the Workers and the Youth!—Speech at the Central Committee Meeting of Syriza

Published below is a speech by a representative of the Communist Tendency of SYRIZA, Stamatis Karayannopoulos, at the SYRIZA Central Committee meeting that took place during the weekend of October 18–19, 2014.  

Million-Strong Workers’ Demonstration in Rome: the End of Renzi’s Honeymoon

Up to a million took part in the national demonstration called by the CGIL on October 25. It was one of the biggest demonstrations in the history of the Italian trade unions, marking a turning […]

Burkina Faso: One Leader After Another Overthrown by Revolutionary Masses

The situation in Burkina Faso has been moving at lightning speed since the revolution erupted. The revolutionary masses overthrew Blaise Compaoré, but also his handpicked successor just a few hours later.

Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections: "If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say . . ."

The expression “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” is the best way to describe the reaction in the Western media to the results of Sunday’s parliamentary elections in […]

Scotland Needs a Revolution

The referendum campaign has transformed the political landscape in Scotland. It was a defining moment. This seismic shift has sent shock waves through the British capitalist establishment. Below is a statement which was first published […]

Canada: Parliament Hill Shooting is a Symptom of a Rotten System

Ottawa was rocked on Wednesday by news that a lone gunman shot, and killed, a Canadian Forces reservist on Parliament Hill, before storming Parliament itself. This attack came just two days after a similar incident […]

Mexico: Anger Over Kidnapped Students Nears Boiling Point

Yesterday hundreds of thousands marched in Mexico city and tens of thousands more in dozens of other cities across Mexico to protest at the kidnaping of 43 teacher students from Ayotzinapa. They were clear in […]