How Capitalism Failed African Americans

The Second American Revolution [The U.S. Civil War] was a tremendous step forward, but it never realized its promise to Black Americans. The real winners in the Civil War were the Northern capitalists who opened […]

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

January 15 is Martin Luther King Jr. day, a day to remember the struggle of […]

The U.S.A. and the World

Originally published in the book Marxism and the USA, published by and available from Wellred. "The terrible events of September 11, 2001 marked a turning point in the history of the United States and the […]

Minneapolis Teamsters Strike
How to Win Strikes (By Harry DeBoer) 2006 Introduction

In the early 1930s Harry DeBoer began working in the coal yards in Minneapolis and became part of the initial organizing committee that led the famous Teamsters' truckers strike in 1934. DeBoer is credited with […]

Saddam Hussein's Execution and the Iraq War

The execution of Saddam Hussein could not have been a more cynically calculated PR event if a banner proclaiming “mission accomplished” had been placed above the gallows. His hanging will not provide a day of […]

Miguel Campos of FRETECO Speaks About Workers' Control

FRETECO activist Miguel Campos of Venezuela recently delivered a speech to the Labor Action Congress in St. Louis, MO on the issue of workers control in Venezuela. Here we reproduce his speech in an audio […]

If Honda Ruled The World (Letter to the Editor)

In this letter to the editor, Todd Jordan of UAW Local 292 in Kokomo, IN discusses the new Honda plant about to open in the area and what the effect will be for the working […]

Happy Red New Year!

The Workers International League and Socialist Appeal would like to thank all our readers and sympathizers for all the support they have given us over in the past year.  2006 was a busy and exciting […]

The findings of the Stern Report on climate change

The Stern Report highlights the problem of global warming linked to the high emissions of carbon. Stern tries to find a solution within capitalism, without understanding that capitalism is actually the problem. The unplanned, chaotic […]

Hands Off Venezuela Blog

The international Hands Off Venezuela Delegations are observing the presidential elections today

Providence, RI Picket in Solidarity with Mexican Revolution

On November 20th, a small group of workers and students gathered in downtown Providence to show their solidarity with the people of Oaxaca and the revolutionary movement developing throughout Mexico.

U.S. Elections 2006: A Referendum on Bush

In what was in all but name a referendum on George W. Bush, the Democratic Party has been swept into power in the House of Representatives and Senate.  The majority of state governors’ mansions were […]