David May
48 Articles0 Comments

The Struggle in Ferguson Continues

More than a month after the killing of Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot him multiple times despite Brown having raised his arms in surrender, remains free and safely in hiding.

Detroit and the Bankruptcy of Capitalism

On July 18, the long–economically depressed city of Detroit officially declared its intention to file for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy is the largest ever for a US city, with $18 to 20 billion in debt. It […]

Illinois: The "Greece" of America?

“Billions racked up in public debt to plug budget holes, pay overdue bills, and put money into its mismanaged pension funds… this has resulted in decrepit commuter trains and buses, thousands of unsound bridges, 200 […]

Election 2012 and the Auto Industry

With the long-running Republican Party primaries finally winding down, it looks like millionaire front-runner Mitt Romney will face President Obama in the November elections. Not surprisingly, the topic that will likely dominate the elections is […]

Longview struggle shows the way forward

On February 10, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 21 and the Export Grain Terminal (EGT) conglomerate announced that the company had finally agreed to recognize the union’s right to represent workers at […]

The Capitalist Destruction of Detroit

Well before the current crisis of capitalism shook the entire country, Michigan gave us a glimpse into the future. Michigan was once the seat of the American automotive industry, particularly in Detroit and Flint. Beginning […]

Obama, Trumka, and the Jobs Act

Obama’s “Jobs Act” has less to do with creating the millions of jobs we need than with preparing the ground for the 2012 elections.

David May of the CMPL Interviewed on Canadian Radio

Listen to David May, of the Campaign for a Mass Party of Labor, interviewed on Latin Waves, a Canadian radio show, hosted by Stuart and Silvia Richardson, on March 19th, 2011.  The interview focuses on […]

Wisconsin Shows How to Fight Austerity!

Weeks after Gov. Scott Walker’s union-busting bill was introduced, mass protests by workers, students, and community supporters continue. The spirit of class struggle is spreading across the country.

Wisconsin Unions Preparing a General Strike

After more than a week, demonstrations by public sector workers defending their pay, benefits and their right to union representation continue to grow. The struggle in Wisconsin is rapidly becoming a nation-wide struggle, a kind […]

[Leaflet] All Support to Public Employees! For a Workers’ Solution to the Crisis

Download here.  Wisconsin is on the front lines of the nationwide battle against cuts and austerity. Most public sector workers in the state belong to unions that collectively negotiate their wages, benefits, and pensions. It […]

Wisconsin Unions and Students Demand Recall of “Hosni Walker”

On Friday, February 11th, recently-elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) announced that he is prepared to use National Guard troops as part of his plan to rob public workers of their right to have a […]